Chapter 17

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"Jasper" I breathe out. I'm staring straight at him, he just pushed Henry in the middle of their argument. He looks at me and although his face is angry his eyes soften. He takes a step towards me but I take a step back. I shake my head 'no' and wrap my arms around myself. He clenches his jaw and then looks down. I look at Henry, he's smiling evilly. He takes a step towards me and my breath hitches. I definitely don't want him anywhere near me right now. 

"Both of you stay away from me." I say shakily. Henry's insane smile drops. He blinks and it's like something comes over him.

"Fuck, I really know how to fuck shit up. I'm sorry guys, I'm so sorry." Henry says regretfully and then he dashes out of our apartment. Where's he going? 

"Charlotte, I'm leaving too. We're driving out in an hour, let me know when you and Henry leave. I'm sorry." Jasper apologizes then turns to leave. I groan and Jasper looks at me weirdly in the doorway. I open my arms and tears fall down my face. Jasper races to me and engulfs me in a hug. I just cry into Jasper's chest and he just holds me.

"I shouldn't have said that, I started everything and I'm so sorry. You guys have no reason to even be sorry if anything I don't deserve either of you. I can't believe I had to open my big mouth. I didn't mean anything I said, you guys mean the world to me and oh my gosh I hope Henry is okay." I sob out. Jasper just shushes me and pats my head while I cry. Everything started after we got home from school. I was already upset because a teacher tried to give us work to do over break, it's not called a break for nothing. Jasper kept whining about Chloe moving on so quickly and I called him a whiny little punk ass bitch, which coming from me actually hurt a lot. Once I said that Henry laughed but Jasper turned right around and said he'd rather be a whiny little punk ass bitch than a mentally ill  unlovable loser. Once Jasper said that something snapped. Henry growled and lunged for Jasper. But I slapped him and his angry gaze was focused on me, of course I opened my mouth and told him to stop acting so damn childish in a very condescending tone. I admit not my best idea cause everything went bad from there but I was already annoyed and negativity really feeds off itself.

It didn't stop there though, after that I listed off everything about those two that annoyed me in every insulting way possible then we were all just throwing insults at each other. But what really got me was when Henry and Jasper started arguing and Henry just smiled while Jasper had veins sticking out. Henry was smiling and laughing. He didn't say anything except one small comment about Jasper being nothing but a dumb lost puppy who gets stomped on all the time which is when Jasper pushed Henry. I may have single-handedly ruined our friendship. I just sob into Jasper's chest until I calm down. Once I'm done I look at Jasper. He nods and smiles at me. 

"I forgive you." We say at the same time. He nods his head at me and leaves just like that. I turn around and walk to our room. I find the puppies hiding under the bed, aw poor babies were scared. I scoop them up and lay on the bed with them. I fall asleep cuddled up to them not before whispering to them that Mommy is terribly sorry.

I jump awake. The puppies are fast asleep in my lap. I look around to see it's dark. I grab my phone to see it's almost time to go. It is 3 a.m., we have to be at the airport at 6 for our flight at 7:15 a.m. I yawn and get up. No texts or calls from Henry just stuff from Jasper and Dad reminding me to wake up. I smile and open Jasper's messages. I move the pups and walk around the house to check for Henry. I move into the living room and find a body on the couch, it's Henry. I tap his cheek and his hand shoots out scaring me. He's got a tight grip on my wrist and his eyes are red.

"Why the fuck did you try to touch me?" He seethes. I breathe in and out.

"To wake you, we have to leave soon." I say calmly and Henry squeezes my wrist tighter.

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