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***1 week kater***

Kyle pov

As i wakked into school everyone staryd looking and gigging at me. So I went over to my mates to ask what it was all about. As soon as they told me my fists clenched. The boy had only been here a week and alredy he was rewining my life.

Bethany pov
I was in the library before school helping one of my friends with there homework when Kyle stormed up to me.

"Can i speak to you?" He asked clearly annoyed. "I just be a mui-"" he snapped. "K I'm comming" i sighed following him outside till we got to a quieter part of a feild. "What's this about?" i asked stopping under a large blossom tree wich as there was a slight breast a fue petals fell on me. Normally I didn't like anything like folwerd or leaves going on me but right now I didn't care. I needed to know what was happing.

"How have you been with Joe?" He asked snidely. "What about him?" I asked. "Theres roomers going round that you KISSED him !" he explained. "I sware I didn't. There just roumers. I promise" I said in a serious tone. "Thats what everyone's saying! I look like a mug ! I sware if your fuckin-

I didn't let him Finnish as I shut him up by kissing him. But he pulls away. "We're in school" he snapped. "So. I love you Kyle. Look at me in the eyes. I didn't kiss joe" I said serious tone but he walked off as i just slumped against the tree.

"Hey" a voice said infrount if me
I could tell it was Joe by the fact that one he wasn't we ring school shouse as he was 6th form and two his accsent. "Leave me alone please" I replyed as I felt him sit beside me. "What's wrong?" He asks and i walked off. Life had been so much more simplistic before he came. Before mum had left.

Jay pov
I was sat at home when I heard the Door go but no "I'm back". I walks out to see a annoyed looking Bethany. "What's up ?" I asked. "Nothing" she replyed clearly on the verge of tears.

Everyone else had came back earlier as she stayed over for revision and they hadn't said anything. She went to go upstairs but I stood in her way. "Get out the way" she snapped. "What's wrong?" I asked again. "I'm fine" she replyed bursting into tears as I cradled her.

"Is she ok?" Joe asked standing at the top of the stairs. "What do you think" she snapped. "What have you done now?"Danielle spat at him. "Nothing" Joe scowled storming downstairs and out of the house.

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