when everything seams perfect

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***2 weeks kater***
Bethany pov

The docter had saud it had been a sever alargy to alcohol so once I was ok I had been sent home but i had been on bed rest. "Nock nock " joe said walkimg in as he'd been to school. "Hey" I said sitting up and pecking him on the lips as he wind his hand around my waist. We'd been going out for two week now. "Anything happened at school?" I asked. "Everyones just leaving me alone" he awnserd. "Anymore news off you dad?" I asked and he shook his head. " I feel to blame for it"i told him honestly. "Its not your fault. I promise. " he awnserd. "I may not of done what I was accused if but...I was never an angle. I got in fights and arguments, upset a lot of people" he replyed. We sat there for a bit cuddled up till the bell rang. "I'll get it" mum called.

"Joe... I want to talk proply about the other night" I told him. "I'm sorry. I should of stoped y- i shut him up with a kiss. "I love you. And one day were going to settle down and have a perfect little family of our own. But just kisses, cuddled and a bit of making out for now please?" I said and he nodded. "I'll wait for forever for you" he awnserd and we kissed back.

"So you two are together then" Kyle asked. "Heard of nocking" I scowled. "Bethany I need to talk to you" he told me. "WHY ! YOU BROKE UP WITH ME!" I snapped losing it. "Bethany it's ok. I'm here" Joe said wrapping his arms around me. "Betheny I broke up because...I'm leaving...today...for America and you need someone who can be there, I can't" he awnserd as I stood there shocked.

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