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Joe pov

As walked though the familiar streets of liverpool i reconised a fue people as i neversly made it to hannahs hosuse. As i nocked on the door Hannah opend it. "I didn't expect to see you?" She said surprised. "Can i come in?" I asked. "You realy shouldn't be here" she replyed and i looked confused. "My patents...they don't know your innocent. I've been talking to the police and they still haven't found who did it" she awnserd. "Your missing out the part where you tell me why the fuck your parents don't know I'm innocent !" I snapped annoyed. "Joe please" she begged. "No! First your telling my you still love me and then your hiding me away like a dirty little secret !" I snapped. "It's not like that but my Parents are due back any moment now. So that's talk some other time yer" she replyed. "I'm not moving. They need to know." I awnserd as she sighd.

"Ok but awnser me this. Why are you back?" She awnserd. "It's not for you Hannah if that's what you thinking" I replyed and she nodded. "Ok so why are you here" she asked."you were ofsaly hurt emotinsly and phisicaly that night...but so was I...I feel like i need to come back and make things better instead if running off." I awnserd.

"It's my fault but alot of people still hate you and I don't know who's going to belive the truth. I mean I've seen the cctv I know the truth but even if everyone saw it not everyone's going to belive it" she awnserd. "I know. People can belive what but I need to do this for get over what happened" I awnserd and she nodded. "Look. I'll talk to the police and my psycholgest see if they can set up a meeting." She awnserd. "Psycholgest ?!" I replyed. "Your not the only one who was traumatised." She awnser showing me scars. "Your worth more then that yer" I replyed placing an arm gently on hers. "Thanks" she awnserd nodding. "No I'm being serious" I awnserd hugging her. "Ring me once you've arranged a meeting yer"I told her and she nodded as I walkd off.

I then made my way to a local bandb. As i made my way I was pushed to the floor. "What are you doing here?" A boy who I recognised but who's name I couldn't rember said. "I'm here to make things right" I replyed. "Well go die then" some one else in his gang replyed. "I get why people hate me. But I didn't rape her. I'd never do that" I awnserd.

"Lier"someone jeared hitting me as I tryed to run but someone grabbed me.

***later on***

I sat infront of the mirror in the bandb toilet wiping my bloody nose when a text apart cane up on my phone.

Heard what happend with Jake and his little gang and I've explains everything to them. I've talked to my psychiatrist and lve arranged a meeting with my psychotic the police and my Parent's about it all tomorrow. Speak to you after.

Thanks. Good luck for the meeting !

After sending the text I got into bed and fell strait asleep. I woke up at about 10 o'clock to Bethany ringing.

***phone call***
"Why havnt you rang ive been worrid stif!" She exclaimed. "I've been buisy!" i snapped back. "Sorry im just worried about you" she awnserd. "I'm fine. I'm sorry for snapping" I replyed sighing. "Please just keep telling me your ok. I get worried you all the way in Liverpool with everything that happened" she awnserd."I promise I'll text you every day. Things were just a bit hectic that's all" i awnserd. "Do you want to talk about it ?" She asked. "No its fine" I replyed. "I know you don't do talking but if there's anything you can akwase talk to me you know that" she teplyed. "I know thanks. love you" I replyed. "Love you to. Missing you already" she awnserd. "Same" she awnserd. "Anyway I better be going. Love you bye" "bye"
***end of phone call***

I missed Bethany but she just didn't seam to understand what was going on. Her life hadn't been perfect but she lived in a big house in London and had loads of friends and a brother to protect her when things went wrong. I had no one.

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