all for you

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Joe pov
I sat there motionless. "I...ive moved on" i awnserd not giving eye contact. "I don't know what to say" she replyed. "I'm sorry for how everything turned out. I realy am" i awnserd. "I still want to be friends" she awbserd. "So do I...but...I need space at the moment" i told her and she nodded.

Once Hannah left I sat there once again stroking Bethany hair. "Wake up Bethany. Please" I begged. I'd had a horrible day and i needed to see her ok. "Is she still in the same state?" Jay questioned as he walked up. He'd had a exam at night school. "Yes. She'd still stable" i awnserd. "Hang on What happened to your lip?" He questioned."nothing. I'll live" I replyed. "Who's visted while I wasn't here?" He asked. "Mimi but she had counsling most of today, some big meeting. Then a fue friends from school" Danielle awnserd. "What about kyle?" He asked. "He hasent seen her since she was admitted." Danielle commented as I looked down.

"Joe you know something don't you" Danielle commented and i sighed. "At the party...Kyle broke up with her and...I saw her. She was clearly upset, she just wanted to get drunk...I should of don't more to stop her" I awnserd. "You did everything you could. If Kyle comes tell me" Jay snapped. "Jay just leave it" Danielle snapped as he sighed sitting next to Bethany.

***later on***
I stirred at the sound her dad walking in. He'd been working all day so was here at night. "You should go home Joe, everyone else left ages ago. It's 12 o'clock. Your dad's at home, your mum said she'd pick you up" he told me.

"My dad's there" I said shocked. "He wants to talk to you" he awnserd. I was just about to leave when Bethany stired. "I'm not leaving." I awnserd as the nurses came around. "Joe-"no I can't" I intrupted and he nodded.

***next day***
Apparently her stirring had been a fluke. I had Bern advised by the police not to go into school till the situation had settled so I spent the day on my own with Bethany. I hadn't been home at all so I didn't know what was happing about my dad.

I sat there stroking her hair when her eyes flicked. "Bethany. It's me Joe. Wake up. Please wake up" I told her as she stired and i called for a nurse. Within about a muinit she was awake.

"What do you rember?" I asked. "Kyle and you and everything. You need to leave joe" she said. "What. Why?" I asked.

"Really why?? Maby the fact that my viginty atchaly means something to me." "Meant" I wisperd. "Ok it MEANT something to me. Now it's gone though some drunken sex rampage!" She snapped.

"Bethany please hear me out" I said sitting on the bed next to her and she sighed. "Go one" she mutterd.

"For the first time, it atchaly meant something. I knew you wernt a one night stand or just going to be there for a bit. I love you Bethany. I realy do. And yes I was drunk but, I knew it could all end up in a mess like last time. But I love you to much to care" I said as I leand diwwn to kiss her and her hands shuffled weakly to touch mine.

"Your mum said yourself changed. I knew you hadn't" I heard him say. "Dad please" I begged. "You may not if done it to Hannah. But there's only a matter of time till you do. I can see it in your eyes, your sick" he spat walking off as i explained everything to bethany.

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