Chapter 3

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I arrive at the club and I see Claire outside.

"There you are! Come one Ethan is inside" she says and pulls me in. We go straight to the bar and I take 3 shots of straight vodka.

"Woah slow down Jordy. Your a light weight remember" she said laughing.

"Come on let's go dance" I say and I can already feel the alcohol kicking in. I see Ethan dancing with his twin brother Grayson and I walk up to them.

"What's up Jordy!" He yells over the music. I pull him in and snog his face off for about 5 minutes. Finally I pull away.

"I'm not too bad" I say slurring every word. I start to dance with him. Wow this boy can move. I start to sway a bit and I feel really sick. What's happening?

"Hey Jordy are you alright?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah....I need air" I yell and Ethan helps me outside. When we are outside we sit on the kerb and talk about stupid things.

"My moms an Angel" I said to him.

"I'm sure she is" he replyed laughing.

"No really. She is a Angel. She had to go up to heaven cause theres a war"


"And.....and.....monsters under your bed are real.....Shhhhhh don't say's a secret" I whisper.

"Okay let's get you home" Ethan helps me up and I have to lean on him or I will fall. 3 shots of vodka was not a good idea.

When we finally arrive home he helps me upstairs and into bed.

"Spend the night with me" I said to him.

"Tempting but I best go back to Grayson" he said with a smirk.

"No the monsters will get me" I grab his arm and pull him back.

"Okay look I will sleep on the sofa downstairs"

"Ok......" I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier then everything goes black.

*Next morning*

I wake up with a banging headache. God what happened last night? Last I remember I came down stairs and my mum was there must of been a dream. I get out of last night's clothes and walk downstairs in only my underwear and a hoddie. I head to the kitchen and I see Ethan on my couch? Why is he here? Then I remember. No it must of been a dream.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"You asked me to stay cause the monsters were coming" he said laughing.

"What do you mean?" I said giggling.

"Well you came to me on the dance floor and you were hammered. Then you kissed me. I walked you home and you were going on about your mum being a Angel and that monsters are real"
Oh shit it wasn't a dream! And I told Ethan!

"You really don't remember anything?" He asks.

"No" I lie. He stands up and walks over to me planting a small gentle kiss on my lips.
"See you Monday" he said and he is out the door.
Okay? I look for paracetamol and take two tablets with water. I then look for my phone. When I find it I see there is about 50 missed calls from my dad, and a couple from Claire. Seconds later there was a knock at the door. I go to answer it and it was Claire.

"Hey what happened to you last night?"

"Yeah Ethan walked me home sorry" I reply feeling guilty. She walks into my house and we both sit on the sofa. I have to tell her what happened last night. She probably think I'm crazy. Well I think I'm crazy.

"Where's your mum?" She asks.

"Um Claire.....I have something to tell you and your probably not going to believe me but......" I stop I don't know what to say.

"What is it Jordy?" She asks.

Well here goes nothing.

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