Chapter 10

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When we arrive at the hotel we head into Claire and Grays room. We all sat down and they are staring at me.

"Well spit it out Jordy" Claire says to me looking a little worried.

"My mum isn't on a business trip..... She's in heaven." Claire gasps a bit then her eyes started to tear up.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" she replies. I look at her confused. Why is she apologising.
"No wonder you have been a bit depressed lately God I can't believe it" then I realise what she was on about.

"She's not dead" I say a little to loud.

"OK now I'm confused"

"Jordy what's this about? " Grayson asks.

"My mum is a Angel. She went back up to heaven. My dad and brothers they hunt monsters"
They all stare at me and Grayson begins to laugh.

"Don't laugh bro she is telling the truth" Ethan says and it makes me smile.

"Are you serious?" Claire asked me.

"Deadly" there was a silence so I decided to show them. I look towards the bathroom door and I see it's open. I put my hand out and the tingling started, I pulled my hand towards my body and the door slammed shut which made Claire and Grayson jump. I then pull out my phone and make it float out my hand. It lasts a few minutes when I start to get a headache, I stop and my phone falls to the ground.
"Holy shit Jordy" Claire said with her eyes widen.

"I'm half Angel and I have some abilities" I say.

"Wait did you know?" she said looking to Ethan. He nodded and she looked back to me.

"So you told him before me. Well thank you very much" she said in a sarcastic tone.

"Look I can explain" I sit there and explained what happened when my mum left, what happened at the prom and what happened in the bathroom at Starbucks. Claire gives me a hug.

"Who was that women in the bathroom" Grayson asks.

"I have no idea I don't even know what she was but I'm going to find out" I reply.

"Well if we are going to play detectives then I need food" Claire said to me.

"OK I will go and grab something for lunch and I will meet you back at my house"

"I will come with you" Ethan said taking my hand. I nod at him.

"Just fly there" Claire said.

"I don't have wings"

"What not even half a wing. Well that's useful" I just laugh at her. She's so funny. Me and Ethan walk out and head to a café to pick up some sandwiches and a couple of other stuff.

"You going to try and find your dad and tell him" Ethan said.

"No. I mean I know I wanted to but not anymore. I want to deal with this on my own. Well with you guys and I don't want anything to do with him"

"Okay we will figure it out" we head through a park when I see a firmailar face. Shit it's my dad. He is with Dean, Sam and other man. Oh god he is a Angel. I can see his wings.

"Ethan we need to run."

"What why? " Ethan asks.

"There's my dad and he is with a Angel. I don't want to see him we need to go" then my dad turns around and looks at me.

"JORDY!!!" he screams. He says something to the boys and they all start running towards me.

"Shit go!" Ethan yells. We start to run in the opposite direction. We run as fast as we can when the Angel is suddenly in front of us. Before I can do anything he puts 2 of his fingers on my forehead and does the same to Ethan, then suddenly Ethan disappears.

"Eth!!" I yell. The angel looks at me confused. He puts his fingers on my head again but nothing happened.

"What are you?" he asks his voice was quite husky.

"What have you done with Ethan" I said in a angry tone. Then my dad comes from behind me.

"Jordy I have been looking everywhere for you" he said and I push him away from me.

"Where is Ethan!" I yell.

"He is at your house.... Where you are ment to be" the Angel said still looking confused. Dean and Sam comes running over.

"Cas, what the hell? Why didn't you telaport her?" Dean asks.

"I couldn't"

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Come on we will take you to him and I will explain everything" my dad said and we head to the car.

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