Chapter 14

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"What just happened? Who was he?" I ask. Total starstruck.

"Let's go" Dean said and pulling me up and dragging me outside. We get in the car and wait for Sam. After about 20 minutes Sam walks out and gets into the car.

"Who was that guy?" I ask again.

"It was a spirit. What happened in there?" Dean said and as we drive off I explain what happened. Sam has spoken to Ryan and he basically brain washed him. Made him believe it was all in his head.

When we arrive back at the motel it's about 5pm. I walk into my own room to get some sleep. I text Claire, Grayson and Ethan letting them know I'm OK. I lie in my bed and fall asleep.

*Next Morning*

I wake up and it's 8:45am. I get up and dressed and head next door to the boys room. When I walk in and they are already up and dressed. Dean throws me something. I look at it and it's a burger.

"It's 9:00am" I say.

"That will last you all day my friend" he said looking all proud of himself. I look to Sam and he is on his laptop.

"What have you found?"

"Well that Spirit we saw last night. His name was Kyle Goulding, he died about 6 months ago, he committed suicide after his girlfriend broke up with him over text."

"How do we get rid if him?" I ask.

"Well there only thing to kill a spirit is to salt and burn their bones, too put them to rest. But Kyle was cremated" Sam explained.

"OK? What now?" I ask.

"Well obviously he is holding on to something to keep him here we just need to find it but we need a distraction" Dean said eating his burger.

"You mean bate?" they both nod.
"Okay what do I have to do" they look at me confused.

"I will be the bate."

"Over my dead body" Dean said.

"Trust me that can be arranged" I said in a sarcastic tone.
"Look I'm exactly Kyle's type. Young brunette" I continue.

"Yeah but you haven't brutally broken up with anyone" Sam said. I suppose he is right. Maybe we have to think of something else I look to Dean and he is giving me a weird look.

"What?" I ask and he is still staring at me. Then I realise what he wants me to do.
"No... There must be another way" I say.

"No there is not we have to stop this thing before it kills anyone else"

"I'm not pulling Ethan into this. Please there has to be another way"

"Jordy..... " Sam said. And his look was unreadable. Can I really break Ethan's heart. I can't do that to him. I love him.

"Look, this is what hunting is. It's sacrifice, you give up the people you love to save others. Please we can explain it to him later" Dean said with a soft tone. I can't believe they are asking me this. OK. I mean I can explain to him when this hunt is over, I just hope he understands. I pull out my phone and walk outside to get some privacy. I call Ethan.

"Hey babe you OK?" his voice was so cheerful. Oh god can I really do this.

"Um no... Look Ethan I can't see you anymore" my voice was quite snappy.

"Jordy what you talking about? Where's this coming from?"

"Ethan I have never liked you. I only went out with you because I felt sorry for you"

"Jordy I don't believe you" a little lump formed in my throat. No I can't cry I have to pull this off.

"Well believe this Ethan. You make me feel ill. I can't stand the sight of you. I have never loved you, I don't want to see you ever again!" I yell down the phone and I tear rolled down my face.

"Jordy are you sure this is what you want?" his voice was shallow, I can tell he was hurt by what I said. All I wanted to say to him was 'No Ethan I love you so much I didn't mean it please I don't ever want to leave you' but instead...

"Yes.... Goodbye" and I hang up and start to cry. I can't believe I have split up with the only boy I have ever truly loved.

After a couple of minutes I walk back in to the room and Sam and Dean are staring at me.

"It's done. Let's hurry up and get this over with" I walk back out and head into the car.

I hope Ethan forgives me.

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