Chapter 25

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I wake up with a massive head ache and I'm dying for the toilet. I stand up swaying side to side. Woah where am I. I'm in a old dusty house and it smells of alcohol. I look around and find a bathroom.

When I'm finished I quietly walk downstairs. I look around and all I really see is books and I hear guys talking.

"You eejits! You could of killed yourselves" it was a older guy. I begin to shake God where am I?

"I couldn't help myself I wanted that bitch dead for what she did to Ariel" that was definitely Ethan. I quickly walk through and see them all sitting down. The only one I didn't recognise was the guy at the desk with a big dusty book in front of him.

"Guys?" I said quietly. Ethan looked up to me and he had a black eye I then look to the others and they were all cut up in a way.

"Oh my god! What happened" I ask.

"Well we got rid of the coven" Dean said looking worried to me. I run over to Ethan and hug him tight.

"I'm OK baby" he whispered in my ear. I then look to Claire.

"How long was I sleeping for?" I ask.

"A few days" Claire replies.

"Are you guys crazy! You should of waited for me! You could of killed yourselves!" I yelled to them.

"Thank you! At least someone agrees with me." I look behind me and see the guy I don't recognise and I look at him confused. He gets up and stands in front of me.

"You must be Jordy. I'm Bobby. I've heard a lot about you" he said and pulls out is hand so I shake it. I look back to Claire and run and hug her.

"I'm sorry" I whisper.

"Don't be daft we are all fine" she replied.

"What happened with Colette?" I ask looking to Dean.

"Well when you passed out she done some damage inside you. Bobby said it will heal eventually because of your shield. We fought the rest of the witches and then brought you back here. Dad is away looking for the demon with a few hunting friends" Dean explained and I look back to Ethan. Oh god I did that, I feel like I'm going to be sick so I run outside and collapse on the floor, my breathing was really heavy.
Seconds later Claire walks outside and puts her arm around my shoulder.

"You guys need to leave before I kill you" I said with my breath still quite heavy.

"Jordy we are not going anywhere" she replied rubbing my back.
"We are with you every step of the way. So stop fussing"

"But Claire you never asked for any of this. Ethan has a black eye, Grayson has a cut on his head and lip and you... You have cuts all over face. You need to leave before someone gets permanently hurt" I start to tear up.

"Fuck off Jordy. Listen I have had more fun in the past few days than I have in 19 years of my life. Like I said I am with you... Every step of the way" she said and she starts to tear up.

"Us too" we spin around and see Ethan and Grayson. They come and sit next to us.

"I can't shield you all. I'm not strong enough" I said with tears rolling down my cheek.

"We are not asking you too. I'm sure we can look after ourselves. We are old enough Jordy" Grayson said.

"Guys I'm not sure about this. I really don't want you all to get hurt. Any worse than you already are" I reply.

"Ariel, like Grayson said we can look after ourselves. We are never ever going to leave you" Ethan said putting his arm around me.

"That's another thing. When did Ethan start calling you Ariel?" Claire asked and it made me laugh.

"I told him the other day and now he won't stop calling me it" I said nudging him which made him laugh.

"I like the name Ariel. Like the mermaid" Grayson said.

"Don't even think about it. It's Jordy to everyone else" I said pointing to Claire and Grayson. And they both hold there hands up in defeat.
We all sit there laughing for a few minutes.

We eventually get up and walk back inside. When we arrive in the living room, I look to Dean, Sam and Bobby.

"OK. What now?" I ask, I'm holding hands with Ethan and Claire is holding hands with Grayson.

Some shit is seriously about to go down.

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