Chapter 30

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We all get in the car. Claire and Grayson stayed behind and waited for Bobby as they were back up.
The drive was silent, we had to meet Colette at a old farm house. I don't get on with my dad but if anything happened to him I couldn't forgive myself.

"Ethan when we arrive I want you to stay in the car" I said quietly to him.

"Well that's not happening. You guys need all the help you can get"

"But Ethan.... " he cuts me off.

"No buts Ariel. I'm coming in" I look away from him. Oh please let this go OK. I put my hand over my stomach. Please protect my little peanut mum, I thought.

We finally arrive and I can feel my heart beating in my ears. The plan is for me to go in first and the boys go around back to attack her.

I slowly walk into a large barn and look around. I instantly spot my dad tied up.

"Dad!" I run over to him when all of a sudden a random guy jumps on top of me. He looked like the girl and my teacher from the prom. Holy crap it's a werewolf.
"What the hell? Get off me" I yell but he has me pinned down. I look to my dad and he has a cut on his head.

"Aww there's my good boy. She's a silly little girl isn't she" I look to my left and out of the darkness, I see Colette. The guy finally gets off me and I'm left stunned.

"Let my dad go!" I yell to her while I stand up. She just laughs at me.

"Aww sweetie. It's not that easy first I want you dead."

"Well why don't you get it over with?"

"Well my powers don't work on you now. Not until your shielding someone else." then she looks behind her.
"Now don't hide from me boys. Come out to play" moments later Sam and Dean walk out, but where's Ethan?
"Hello boys how are you doing this fine afternoon" her voice was so cocky.

"What do you want Colette?" Sam asks.

"You know what I want. I want her dead" she looks at me. Fuck this! I put my hand out and I feel the tingling and try to push her back but nothing was happening.
"Oh sweetie I'm much more stronger than you" I stood there not knowing what to do. Colette turns back to Dean and Sam and she throws her hand up and they both get pinned to the wall.

"No! Let them go!" I scream, but she ignores me. I put my hand back out and tried to stop her but it was no use she was too strong.
"Stop please!" I yell and she finally turns to me and smiles.

"Oh so this isn't working? Maybe let's bring out lover boy" she said. Oh god not Ethan. Then seconds later Ethan walks out with a knife in his hand.
"Oh sweetie best put that down". Then all of a sudden Ethan flys backwards and got pinned to the wall. Oh god.

"Ariel don't!" Ethan shouted. He knows what I'm thinking. All the boys started screaming in pain. Oh god what is she doing to them.

"No stop!" my dad yells. No I have to stop this. I put my hand on my stomach.

"I'm sorry peanut" I whisper. Suddenly my body went numb and all the boys drop to the floor.

"Oh good girl" Colette turns back to me.

"Ariel no!" Ethan yells. I stare at him with tears rolling down my face. 'Think of the baby' he mouths so only I would see. Slowly I feel my shield fade. I look back to Colette and she is giving me a unreadable look. The same look she gave me at the coven.

"You stupid bitch!" she yelled and she pointed to Dad. All of a sudden the werewolf jumps on top of him.

"Ahhhhhh!" he screams in pain. Oh god no. I put my hand out and threw the guy across the barn. I quickly look back to Colette and Dean stands up, picks up the knife and stabs her. Sam throws me a gun and I turn back to the werewolf and shoot at his chest. He falls to the ground choking on his blood. When I turn back around Colette is on the floor.

"She's dead" Dean said bluntly and I'm frozen by what happened. Ethan runs over to me to check if I'm OK.

"Dad!" I hear Sam yell, and I look over to Dad. He was still tied up with a massive bite mark in his shoulder.

Oh God!

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