Chapter 9

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*The Next Morning*

I wake up next to Ethan. Wow what a night last night. I still can't believe he is ok with the whole half Angel thing. But I can't help but think something bad is going to happen today. I decided to just ignore it. I cuddle into Ethan when I hear his voice.
"Morning" his voice was really husky.

"Hi" I say shyly. He leans in and kisses me really gently. He rolls on top of me and it becomes a heated make-out. We get interrupted by banging on the door.
"Yo guys get up! " it was Grayson.

"Get lost man!" Ethan yells back which makes me laugh. We get up and dressed. I have to wear the same clothes as last night, so I put a bit of perfume on so I don't stink.
We head out and knock on Claire and Grayson's door and of course they are already dressed. We head outside and we decided to go to Starbucks. We took a seat and ordered a coffee each.
"I'm just going to the toilet" I say and I get up and walk to the toilet. I can't help but feel that someone was watching me. I decide just to ignore it.

When I come out one of the cubicals there is a women with blonde hair standing beside the sinks. I walk over to wash my hands.

"Hello sweetie" she said.

"Hi" i reply shyly.

"Nice day today isn't it"


"So you going to practice your abilities today?" I froze. How the hell does she know. Play dumb.

"What are you talking about?" I say my voice is a little shakey.

"Oh don't play dumb with me. I know what you are. I know your dad and your brothers."

"How do you know?"

"I can smell you from a mile off" I look at her confused she gave me a smirk and she blinked. As soon as she does her eyes turned pure black. What the fuck? I turn to run but she grabbed my arm and threw me against the wall. God she's strong.

"What are you?" I ask.

"I'm a nightmare" she relpys.

"Dressed like a day dream?" I ask with a smile and she looks angry.
"What do you want with me?" I chuckle a bit.

"I want you dead. You and all your friends." she said and she put out her hand and it was silent for a few seconds. She looked confused. She put out her hand and it started to shake slightly. You can tell she was putting a lot of effort in. But what is she doing? She still looks confused.

"What are you?" she asked me.

"I thought you knew" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"No your more than half Angel" then all all a sudden she flung her head right back and this black smoke came out her mouth. I covered my mouth and the smoke goes into the ground. The women fell to the ground and she wasn't moving. I go to feel her pulse and she is alive. I phone a ambulance and they say they are on their way.
I run outside to the table where the other 3 are sitting. I run over to them.

"Babe are you OK?" Ethan asks me.

"Um.... Not really I need to speak to my Dad" they look at me confused. Seconds later the ambulance appeared. They walk in and I tell them she's in the bathroom. A police officer took a statement of me and I had to make up a lie.

"I went to the bathroom and I found her on the ground that's when I phoned the ambulance" I say and the officer seemed to believe me. He walked away and I looked to Ethan who is giving me a confused look. He can always tell when I'm lying. 'I will tell you later' I whisper but Claire heard.

"Tell him what?" she asks.
OK I'm sick of these lies. They are tearing me apart.

"Let's go back to the hotel and I will show you the truth" I said and we stand and head back to the hotel.

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