Chapter 28

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I stand at my front door terrified to go in, I put the test in my pocket so Eth can't see it straight away. God he is going to flip out. After a few minutes I finally walk in and head into the kitchen.
I see Ethan, his hair was still pretty damp from the shower and he is only wearing his jeans.

"You OK?" he smirked and I just realise I'm staring.

"Um... Yeah." I start to laugh.

"I've put the pizza in the oven for you" He said.

"Thank you" I look to the ground not knowing what to say next.

"OK Ariel what's wrong? I know you. There is something definitely wrong. So tell me" he demanded. OK here goes nothing.

"Ethan... Um my mum did visit me and she gave me some news. That's why I went over to Claire's to make it official." I blurted out and Ethan looks at me confused. I hesitantly pulled out the test and put it on the kitchen work top. He stared at it and his eyes widened.
"Ethan as you can see.... I'm pregnant"

He stood there saying nothing and I can feel my eyes start to fill with water and eventually they stared to roll down my cheek.

"Ethan I know this must be a shock to you" I said quietly wiping away my tears.

"Your pregnant?" he said equally quiet and I nodded.

"Ethan, I understand stand this must be difficult. I mean we are only 18, and if you want to leave I understand I wouldn't want to be with me either"

"Woah wait. What are you talking about. Your pregnant!?" I stare at him with 'Well obviously' look and nodded. Then a massive smile appeared on his face. He looked back down to the test and his hand flew to his mouth. When he looked back up to me tears started to fall down his face. It broke my heart, this is the first time I have ever seen him cry.
He suddenly picked me up and swung me around the kitchen, I couldn't help but squeal and he was laughing his head off.

"Wait your OK with this?" I asked when he finally stopped and put me down. He still had both arms wrapped around my waist.

"Of course I am. I'm going to be a Dad. This is the best news I could of gotten" he said still smiling like a idiot.

"Are you sure we can do this?"

"It will be hard, I'm not denying that but we will make it through. A mini us running around who couldn't be happy about that" his words make me smile. I can't believe he is ok with this. He leans down and gives me a passionate kiss. Then we start to set up plates for lunch.

When we have finished me and Ethan head through to the living at sit and watch a film. We decided on Now you see me since its my favourite film.
Half way through the movie Eth puts his hand over my stomach and I start to feel butterflies. I have my legs over his lap and my hand is in his other hand.

"What about Jake if it's a boy?" he asks.

"Woah it's way to early to be thinking of names" I reply.

"No it's not. Well it kinda is but it's good to be prepared" I start to giggle at him.

"Well before picking names we need to tell Grayson" I said.

"Does Claire know?"

"Um yeah I freaked out and she was only one I thought I could talk to"

"It's fine I'm not judging you. I was just making sure" he said and gave me a small smile.

"I don't deserve you Ethan Dolan" I said and he smirked at me. He leaned in and our lips were millimeters away from touching.

"I better grab my phone and call Gray" he said against my lips and he jumped up to go and get his phone that was on the coffee table. I gave him a light push, and started giggling.

"You tease" I said.

"And don't you forget it" he replied putting his arm around my shoulder and winked at me.
He put his phone to his ear and I listen to the conversation.

"Hey bro!..... Yeah I was wondering if you would come over to Jordys? It's kind of important......bring Claire then I'm sure she won't mind..... Cool see you soon..... Bye man." he put the phone down.

Okay I told Ethan and Claire, I just hope Grayson is ok with it.
Wait.... I hope my dad and brothers are OK with it.

Family BusinessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora