Chapter 13

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Dean reads the paper I threw at him. He gets up and heads to the bathroom. A few moments later he appears in a suit. OK? Sam does the same.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"Well if we want this to go well then we need to lie about our Identitys" Dean said not making eye contact.

"OK what am I ment to wear"

"Nothing because your not going"

"Dean... " Sam said.

"No Sam I'm not having it Dad left me in charge while he goes and hunts this demon to save her ass" Dean looks too me.

"Look you stupid prick. I'm coming weather you like it or not. So suck it up pal" I'm totally loosing my patience with this guy!
He walks out and I follow him. We all head into the car and we start to head to a house where awake is being held for the girl.

When we arrive we knock on the door. A older women answers.

"Hello Ma'am I'm Agent Gibson and this is Agent Hall we work for the FBI we were just wondering if we can come in and ask a few questions? " Sam said with a small smile.

"What does the FBI want?"

"We just want to know a little bit more about your daughters death?"

"How dare you walk onto my doorstep and demand to know answers" she slams the door in our faces. The boys start to walk away and I hear them mumbling about trying something else. Well I have a idea. I knock on the door again and the same women answered. She looks annoyed.

"I'm sorry for my colleague here. My name is Jordy and I'm in training. I heard a lot about your daughter she seemed really nice." I said in a soft tone.

"Thank you not many people would of thought"

"I'm sure she was." she invites me in and I leave the boys outside. As I walk in there must me nearly 30 people in here. I look around and I notice a girl a little bit older than me texting. Hmm? I walk over to her.

"Hiya" she looks up to me looking a bit puzzled.

"I'm Jordy"

"How did you know Izzy?"
That must be the girl that died.

"Um....I didn't know her really can you tell me a bit about her"


"I just want to know how she died"

"Uh she killed herself"

"Yes I know but do you know why. I mean what urged her to do it"

"Why don't you ask her crazy Ex"

"And who would that be? "

"Ryan Forde....he was obsessed with Izzy she went out with him to get him of her back. But she broke up with him the night before she died"

"Can I ask how she broke up with him"

"By text"

"OK thank you sorry what was your name"


"You have been very helpful where does this Ryan stay? "she gives me the address and I head out the door and back to the car. I tell Dean and Sam what happened and we set off to Ryan's house.

*Skips Ride*

We arrive at Ryan's and the house looks abandoned.

"I will handle this" I say and I get out the car before they say anything but I know Dean will ignore me, so I start the tingaling in my fingers and I lock the car door. They look pissed. Oh well.
I knock on the door and as I do it opens itself. I wonder weather I should go in or not. Fuck it. I walk in and the house is really quiet, too quiet.

"Hello? Ryan?" there was no answer.
"Ryan my name is Jordy I just want to ask you a couple of questions!" I yell. I go into the living room and I see a guy on the couch drinking a beer and watching a girl on the TV. I think it's Izzy.

"Ryan?" my voice was really shallow.

"She left me. She deserved to die. She never loved me"

"Ryan can you tell me what happened" I walk in front of him and I realise he is holding a small gun in his other hand. Oh my god!

"She left me. Called me ugly, I'm worthless. Maybe I am. She never loved me"

"Ryan do you want to give me the gun?" my voice is really shakey. I don't know why but I decide to look up and I see another man. He had dark hair and he was really pale.

"Hello?" I say and he said something really quietly, I couldn't make out what he said.

"I killed her. I didn't mean to." Ryan said and holds the gun up to his head.
"I don't deserve to live!" he yells.

"No!!" I scream and I quickly pull out my hand and the tingling feeling started. I move the gun out the way making the other guy alarmed.

"Ryan we need to go!" I yell and try to pull him up. The guy in the corner is staring at me then he smirks. All of a sudden Dean and Sam burst through the door.

"Duck!" Sam yells and pulls me down. I hear a gunshot then it's quiet. I look up and Dean has a shotgun pointing to where the guy was. I turn around and the guy was gone. I look to Ryan and he is on the floor in a ball covering his face.

"What just happened? Who was he?" I ask. Total starstruck.

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