Chapter 11

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When we arrive home I run into the house not even waiting on the others. When I'm in the living room I see Grayson, Claire and Ethan and I run straight to Ethan giving him a hug.

"What happened" he asks.

"That stupid prick telaported you. He scared the crap out of me" I said and Ethan laughs and pulls me in for a hug.
Eventually the boys come in.

"Okay explain" Cas said looking straight at me. I looked at him confused.
"Explain how my powers don't work on you?"

"I don't know. It's happened before though"

"What do you mean? And do you think we can have privacy. This is a family matter" my dad said looking and Claire and Grayson.

"No. They are family plus they already know about everything"

"You told them?"

"Of course I did, and about the other thing. This women was in the bathroom at Starbucks her eyes turned black"

"Oh god. It was her" Sam said.

"Wait who is she?" I ask.

"She's a demon. She wants you dead because she considers you as a threat" Dean said.

"Well her power didn't work on me either she freaked out and black smoke came out her mouth?"

"Demons can possess people so they can walk among us. This Demon is really dangerous Her name is Colette. She's working with Crowley" Dad said.

"Wait who's Crowley?"

"The king of hell" they all said at the same time.
Oh god the king of hell wants me dead. Oh this is just perfect. Cas is still staring at me.

"What you looking at pal?" I ask him.

"My name is Castiel and I'm trying to read your mind but... I'm getting nothing?" Dean and Sam look at me confused.

"Your a shield aren't you?" Castiel says to me.

"A what?"

"Yeah a what?" Dean said.

"It's very rare. It can happen when a Angel and a Human mate"

"Oh seriously we don't need to know this" Claire said scrunching her face.

"It basically means you are amuned to all other powers" Castiel continues.

"Awsome now I'm invincible" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"No now you are in even more danger. If you are a shield you can progect your power to shield others around you. If anyone finds out they will hunt you down and use you as a weapon" his voice was quite scary.
I can feel all the blood drain from my face. I look to Ethan and he looks really worried.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to her. We will just play it safe." Ethan said looking to my dad.
"I love her"
I love hearing him saying that. He wraps his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him and I feel really safe with him. I look to my dad and he looks annoyed.

"I love her too. I want to protect her as well" he replied and now I'm annoyed.

"You... Love me? So why walk out on me when I was 8. Why not protect me when my mum left me. You have never loved me. I was a mistake. I got in the way when you were having a little fun, now I want you to leave" I'm nearly in tears.

"Jordy... Please I want to help" he said.

"NO! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOU HERE AGAIN GET OUT!" I scream at him and I can't help but cry. Ethan pulls me back and Claire jumps in front of me. My dad started to walk closer.

"Uh pal I don't think so. You heard her leave. We can protect her she doesn't need you" Grayson said putting out his hand. And without another word they all walked out. Sam dropped a peice of paper.
When they leave I go and pick it up and it read:

We are only a phone call away if you change your mind

There was a phone number on the bottom. I didn't even see him write this. I look up at the other 3 and I break down. Claire is the first to give me a hug and before I know it we are in a group hug.

What am I going to do now.

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