Chapter 15

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*Skips to 9pm*

We are in Ryan's house again. He has disappeared I don't know where he went. Probably crying somewhere so we started to set up. I have to keep the ghost distracted while the boys try and find his baseball glove. Kyle was a big baseball player and we think that's what he is attached to.

It's now 9:58pm and I'm really scared. We have no luck in finding the glove. Dean thinks it will be at the parents house and he gets in the car and drives off. Me and Sam are in the living room waiting patiently.

"Are you OK?" he asks.

"Not really"

"You really love him don't you"

"With all my heart" we sat in silence for a while when all of a sudden it was freezing. Oh god it's really cold. The lights start to flicker and I look to my left and I see Kyle, Sam quickly stands up.

"You broke his heart. You deserve to die" he said to me.

"I broke his heart. I deserve to die" I repeat. Wait why am I having these feelings.

"You are going to get rope and kill youeself"

"I'm going to get rope and kill myself" I repeat again. Sam shot at him and he disappeared.

"Here" Sam said giving me a pole of some sort.

"What's this?"

"It's iron. It will slow him down" he said then Kyle appeared behind Sam and threw him across the room.

"SAM!" I scream and Kyle looks to me.

"You deserve to die" he said.

"I deserve to die" Oh my god I can't control what I'm saying.

"You are going to kill yourself. So the boy won't suffer"

"I'm going to kill myself. So the boy won't suffer" I look around and I find a cable. I have no control over my body, I keep trying to stop myself but it's not working. I tie a knot in the cable and put it around my neck. Why is my shield not working? Before I did anything else Sam swings the iron pole and Kyle disappears. I quickly take off the cable that's around my neck and drop it on the floor.

"Why is my shield not working?" i ask Sam in a panic.

"I have no idea we will figure that bit out later. We need to leave" Sam replied.
We start to run out the door when Kyle appears in front of us.

"She's not going anywhere. She deserves to die!" he yells.
Then suddenly Kyle screams and bursts into flames. Seconds later he's gone.

"It's over... Dean must of found the glove" Sam said and I start to cry.
"Hey what's wrong?" he asks.

"Everything Kyle said was true. I deserve to die, I broke Ethan's heart and for what to kill a guy who also had his heart broken" I said.

"Jordy, Kyle was already dead. We just put him to rest. Look you and Ethan will be fine. Come on we will stay at the motel tonight and I will drive you home in the morning" he said and we walk outside.
When Dean arrives we jump in the car and we head back to the motel.

*Skips ride*

When we arrive I go straight to my room. I lie on the bed and pull out my phone and I have a missed call from Claire so I phone her back.


"Hi Claire. It's over. The hunts over"

"That's good. But what's happened between you and Eth?"

"We split up but I can explain... "

"I hope you can. He is in pieces. Soon as he got off the phone to you he has not came out of his room. You need to get here now, he will listen to you"

"I will be there in the morning" we say are goodbyes and we hang up. I can't believe I pulled Ethan into this he didn't deserve it. I just pray that we can move past it and be together once again.

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