Chapter 34

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*Skips 1 year*

I can't stop thinking about my dad, today it's been a whole year since what happened. I still feel like it's my fault. I'm in the shower to try and wash the guilt off but it never worked. I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. Quickly towel dried my hair so it was only damp and then went back through to my room.

Ethan was holding Dellila and rocking her back and forth. He is so good with her. She is now 4 months old, and I can't believe how fast the time has went. Ethan and Grayson are still doing their YouTube channel and Claire is at College to become a professional photographer. In fact Claire and Gray just announced last week that they are getting married, I'm so happy for them.

"You OK babe?" Ethan asked me pulling me back to reality.

"Yeah, I'm fine" and I gave him a small smile. He walks over and hands me Dellila and gives me a gently kiss on my lips. He heads into the bathroom to go for a shower. I put Dellila in her crib and quickly get changed into a white muscle tee with the word Selfie on it and black joggers. I put my hair up in a messy bun so when I take it down it's wavy. I sit next to the crib and Dellila is looking right at me with her big blue eyes. She looks so much like Ethan but Eth said she looks like me. I guess it's a good mix between the too of us.

"You know it's the anniversary of your Granddad today. Oh I wish he could of met you little one. He was a good man, he loved me and I know for a fact he would of loved you" my voice went really shallow. No don't cry. Not in front of her.

"Hey..... " Ethan appeared from behind me only a towel around his waist. He looks lovely.

"I'm fine Eth. It's ok" I reply still trying to hold back my tears.

"I know it's hard, I can't imagine how you must be feeling but Ariel it wasn't your fault" he said. I lean in and give him a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you Ethan" I give him a smile and there was a knock on the door. Who is that?

"That will be Claire and Gray" Ethan said answering my unspoken question. He quickly changes into ripped jeans and a grey T-shirt. I pick up Dellila and walk downstairs with Ethan. We open the door and Claire takes Dellila off me. I made her and Gray the Godparents so I don't mind her taking my baby off me, I find it quite funny actually.

"Hello my baby" Claire said in a squeaky voice, I just laugh. We all head through to the living room and start to talk about what we are going to do this weekend.
We decided to light a few lanterns for dad tonight to remember him.

"Jordy, about today don't you think you should call Dean and Sam?" Claire asked me.

"No, I have made it this far without them. I don't want to see them" I reply quite snappy.

"Look they deserve to know their neice" her tone was the same as mine.

"I said no Claire" I reply.

"Well let me out it this way. I have called them and they are on their way here". Oh my god I can't believe she done that.

"Claire you had no right doing that! I can't believe you!" she hands the baby to Grayson.

"No Jordy I can't believe you! I have watched you this past year blaming yourself for what happened to your dad. You need more than your friends right now. You need family!"

"Family doesn't end with blood. Your all the family I need"

"Jordy grow a pair and talk to them. If it goes wrong then you don't need to see them again"

"For god sake fine. When do they get here" as soon as I said that the door knocked.

"Now." Claire said bluntly. Ethan goes to answer the door and when he comes back through Dean and Sam is with him. Claire gets up and walks away and Gray puts Dellila in her mosses basket and leaves with Claire. I nod to Eth letting him know I'm OK and he leaves with the other two. Sam and Dean take a seat opposite me.

Here we go.

Family BusinessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora