Chapter 17

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I wake up with someone stroking my hair. I open my eyes slightly and I see it's my Mum! I jump and slide backwards as I fell asleep on the floor.

"Mum?" I said quietly.

"Hello my Angel" she said with a small smile. I can't believe she's here. I want to tell her how much I hated her for leaving me. For not telling me the truth about me being half Angel. I wanted shout and scream at her but instead, I got up and ran and gave her a hug and I breakdown into tears.

"Oh sweetheart what's wrong?" she said.

"Oh mama. Everything" I said sobbing my heart out.
We walk downstairs and she starts to make us coffee. I sit in the living and try to control my emotions but it was no use. When she comes through from the kitchen she sets my cup down onto the coffee table and sits next to me.

"Angel, what's happened?" she asks.

"Me and Ethan broke up" I sit there explaining everything what happened when I went on the hunt and how I broke up with Ethan and the whole aftermath.

"Oh sweetie" she said. I continue to explain about my powers and what happened at prom and what happened at Starbucks. I explained the whole story and it's like a huge weight has been lifted.

"Mum what am I going to do?" I said taking a deep breath.

"Well about Ethan. You just need to give him time. He will understand eventually. You just have to have faith" she replies.

"I have giving up on hope and faith mum. I mean I don't even know who I am anymore, I broke up with the love of my life in the most brutal way ever. That spirit Kyle was right I don't deserve to live. I mean I'm not even human"

"Oi. Don't think like that. Yes it might take a while for Ethan to understand, you will both move on eventually. And you are human Jordy and your also Angel. Don't take that for granted.

"I'm not. And the thought of moving on is sickening. When I think of another guy kissing me, touching me it makes my skin crawl. I felt safe with Ethan. It was him I took for granted"

"Angel look at me. You and Ethan will be together again. It's going to be hard but you will get through it. You are a strong young women and you are going to go far"

"Did you know I was a shield?"
She gasps.

"Oh gosh no. How did you find out?"

"In Starbucks with the demon. Castiel said that I can progect it as well?"

"You can but that takes a lot of work and years of practice"

"With the spirit, my shield never worked. He was still able to hurt me"

"Yes. Your shield is only up to Angels and Demons. Anything else can harm you apart from Angels and Demons. Sheilds are ment to be used as weapons."

"Do I have to be a weapon?"

"Ha no. Just be careful with it. They will stop at nothing to get their hands on someone like you"
I nod at her. We talk for hours and hours having a good catch up. God I've missed her so much.

I look at the clock and it 3:15pm. I can't believe we are half way through the day.

"Angel I have to go" my mum said.

"Wait why?" I ask.

"I will be back soon hunni. I'm sorry I have to leave you again but remember I am always watching over you" she pulls me in for a hug.

"I love you mama"

"I love you too my beautiful, beautiful girl" she pulls away and she dissappears. I lay on the couch and I start to cry again. Everything is so shit now. A few months ago I had good friends, a loving boyfriend and a wonderful mum.

Now I have no one.

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