Chapter 31

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I stood there frozen, I couldn't move my body, I couldn't do anything.
Dean and Sam were hovering over Dad. They untied him and put him against a wall to stable him. Ethan took off his hoodie and covered dad's wound while I stood there and done nothing. Tears were streaming down my face.

"Stop there's no point." dad said to Ethan and moved his hand away. We all looked at the bite and it was heeled. What the fuck!
"It's started"

"What's started?" I quietly said. I'm surprised they heard me.

"The transformation" Dean replied. I look to Sam and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Ethan, son can I have a moment alone with my kids?" my dad asks.

"Yes of course" Eth said and he got up, gave me a kiss on my forehead and walked outside. My dad gestures his hand for me to come closer and I do but not much.

"I can't do it myself one of you need to do it" my dad said and he looked to Dean, and he nodded. Dean loaded his gun and put the safety on.

"No, no there must be another way" I said, I'm nearly yelling.

"Sam, Sammy..... I'm so proud of you. Going to a posh college and getting your degree. Please know I love you so much Sammy. I... Uh..... Remember when you were born and your mum handed you to me for the first time. You held my pinky so tightly and from then I knew you were going to be a strong man one day and I was right." Dad said to Sam and they hugged, he whispered something in his ear but I couldn't make out what he said.

"Stay strong dad" Sam said choking up a little and got up and moved back a bit. Dad gestures me to come closer again and this time I sit right next to him.

"Dad there must be another way. You know we could find a cure.... We could..... We could get help from the Angels" I said stuttering every word because I was crying so much. Dean moved back a bit so it was just me and my dad.

"There's no other way Jordy, silver bullet to the heart." he said quietly and I was sobbing my heart out.

"But Dad I just got you back, please don't leave me" my voice was nearly a whisper.

"I'm sorry I never ever wanted to pull you into this. That's why I left you. Not because I never loved you it was because you had a prick of a dad that hunts monsters and I didn't want to pull you in. But look at you now, if you weren't my daughter I would of thought you have been doing this for years" I giggle a little but I'm still crying.

"Dad, please you can't leave me not now" he looks at me confused.
"Dad..... I'm pregnant" my voice was still nearly a whisper.

"Your what? Oh how can you be so stupid your only 18"

"I know, I know but Ethan will be there for me so I think we can do this. But that's why dad.... That's why you need to stay to meet your grand child. Please dad I'm begging you don't leave" I can't control my sobs.

"Jordy..... Ariel.....i know you are going to be a fantastic mum and Ethan will be a great dad. You look after this baby and tell him all about his grand pappi. Promise me, and promise me you will look out for your friends and you live your life to the fullest."

"I.....I.....promise Dad. Oh god dad I love you so much, I can't loose you" he looks up to Sam and nods at him.

"Jordy I will always be in here" and he points to my chest I leap on him giving him a really tight hug.
"Time to go." he whispered in my ear.

"What no. Dad please don't do this" my voice was a little louder and I feel hands around my arms.

"Come on Jordy" Sam whispers I quickly glance at my dad again and he has tears rolling down his face.

"NO, I'M NOT LEAVING HIM!!" I scream. Then suddenly Sam wraps his arms around my body and lifts me up and starts to drag me outside.

As I'm getting pulled away I see Dad talking to Dean.
"NO! STOP! DAAAAAD" I scream again and tears are steaming down my face.
We are finally outside and I can't see Dean and Dad anymore.
"I SAID STOP!! NO DAAAD!" I scream.
"LET ME GO SAM!" then I see Ethan appear in front of me.

"Sam let her go!" Ethan said in a stern voice and Sam let's go of me. I begin to run forward when I hear a gunshot. I stop in my tracks. No Dad. Moments later Dean walks out with tears rolling down his cheek. I collapse on the floor and Ethan pulls me in close.

"It's done" Dean said.

"I will phone Bobby for him to come and get the body" Sam said and he takes his phone out and calls him while he gets in the car.
I sit there frozen soild not able to move. Why did he have to die.

"Come on Jordy" Dean said and reaches out to help me up and I see red. I push his hand away and stand up.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I yell and I get into the car. He disgusts me for what he did to dad.

Ethan and Dean get in the car and we drive off.

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