Chapter 4

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Here goes nothing.

"Um well...." I say to her and she looks annoyed.

"Hurry up an spit it out" she said.

"My mum went on a business trip. Yeah she left last night last minute that's why dad was here. I have to go and live with him for a few months" I say quickly. I'm not going to tell her. She will never believe me.

"Oh really. Why would she leave you like that? But Jordy you are 18 I'm sure you can live on your own."

"Yeah I'm going to stay here. No way I'm going to live with my dad after what he told me"

"What did he tell you?"
Shit! What do i say now.

"I have 2 brothers"
There that wasn't so bad. Me and Claire talk about the 'business trip' my mum went on and my two brothers. I hate lying to her. After about an hour we put on the laptop to watch YouTube videos, when my phone started to ring. It's my dad.


"Jordy where are you?!"

"I'm at home why?"

"Look I need you here where I can see you"

"Fuck off pal I don't want anything to do with you" Claire mouths 'Put it on loud speaker' so I did.

"Jordy you get your ass here now before I come over there and drag...."
"Jordy its Sam"

"What where's dad?"

"I took the phone off him. Please come back"



I hang up on him. I look to Claire. God this is ridiculous, I don't want anything to do with this family. I'm a Royal not a Winchester! I run upstairs and put a pair of jeans on and a muscle tee, then me and Claire start to watch different YouTubers when we notice 2 firmilar faces.
Oh my god! Its Ethan and Grayson. I didn't know they were YouTubers! Claire is just as shocked. We sit and watch a few videos that they have posted. They are so funny and it makes me like Ethan even more.
I wonder how long they have doing this. Suddenly there is a knock at my door.
I go to open it and already there is someone in my house. It's Sam.

"Sam what are you doing here?"

"Look Dad is flipping out please come back to the motel"
I look to Claire who is eyeing up Sam.

"Yo!" I say snapping my fingers.
"I will call you later"

"Oh yeah sure I will see you later" she says and she gets up and walks out the door. Before she's out she turns around and makes a O with her mouth. For goodness sake i roll my eyes at her. I look back to Sam.

"I'm not going anywhere with a crazy person"

"Ha we are not crazy"

"You hunt monsters! That's crazy for where I'm standing"

"Jordy this is our lives. We are not saying we want you to join. We are just looking out for you until your mum comes back"

"I know my mum isn't coming back. Heaven is obviously more important"

"Come on she will, but for now please just let dad look after you" I think of what he was saying and I can't help but think I want in on this.

"Okay. But I have a couple of conditions. 1. I'm staying here, I'm not living in a tacky motel. 2. I get to go to my prom next month. And 3.....I want in on the hunts"

"Yes too 1 + 2 but no too 3"

"What why not?"

"It's not up to me"

"Well get Dad here so I can ask him. You guys can move in here if you want to"

Sam nods at me and then leaves. God I don't even know him and already he is getting on my nerves. Why couldn't he just say yes.
Saving people. Hunting things. The family business. Well I'm family I should be in this too.
I'm also half Angel. That should count for something.....shouldn't it?

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