Under the Stars.

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With Zak's work being busy and mine being stressful I hadn't seen Zak in over a week but tonight he was coming over for dinner. I finished up early and got Liam to finish off the day, I knew Liam needed the money for his wedding so I was giving him anything that could help him.

"Tilly" Liam ran up my deck.

"Hey thanks again Liam" I gave him a little hug but I pulled away quickly thinking I went overboard as I was his boss. "Sorry."

"The old cemetery is locked up, just got a few things to do and I'll be out of your way. Don't wanna ruin your date" he winked and nudged me.

"Liam!" I squealed. "Is it a date? It's all so weird and ahh" I shook my head and finished cleaning up outside.

"Ofcourse it is. What's worrying you?" He noticed me grip the broom a little too hard as my knuckles went white.

"I'm fine ha like seriously." I tried to fake it but it didn't work.

"Is it because he is widowed?" Yep he was right.

"Is it wrong? Like ugh it's scary but I like him but I don't wanna step on any toes." I began to freak.

"Tilly!" He rubbed my shoulders. "Breathe. It's okay, one step at a time" I sighed and thoroughly enjoyed my little massage.

"Look I gotta go, pre wedding meet up with the families" he looked adorable, he was so in love.

"Have a great time and enjoy yourself, don't worry about your parents opinion."

"And you too Tills, enjoy yourself and don't worry about anyone else's opinion." Giving me a bit of my own medicine.

After Liam left I hurried up an changed into my little black dress, I wasn't trying to go overboard but I wanted to look good. I hadn't seen Zak since our amazing kiss, the thought of that kiss sent to goes through every inch of my body.

I set out a blanket in my kitchen and set up a little picnic trying to be cute but to be honest I needed a new dining table set and it hadn't arrived.

I lost track of time and heard Zak pound in my door, I stood in shock and it took me a minute to digest what was going on. I must've taken too long as Zak walked in the door looking absolutely stunning.

"Hello Tilly" he blossomed through my door.

"Hey Zak" I went up to him and offered a hand shake.

Seriously girl?

"Ha Tilly what's that?" He laughed at my gesture and pulled me into a hug. "Is that a picnic?"

I turned to where he was looking, I was embarrassed and laughed at myself. "Sorry, my new dining table hasn't been delivered yet." I nuzzled back into his chest.

"Anywhere with you is a great place for me" he dropped his arms and took a seat on the floor.

"Seriously?" I turned to him and sat across from him.

"Yea ofcourse." He rummaged his way through the little salad. 

I flicked my hair back over my shoulders and tossed through my salad with a red face, he was such a sweetheart. I could imagine how women fell for him so easy, especially Leigh she must've been a queen to him.

"What are you thinking about?"  He tilted his head.

"How amazing you are, how lucky Leigh was and just everything I guess." He dropped his fork and glanced away.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring her up--"

"I have an idea, got some blankets?" He wiped his hands and stood up.

I got up getting a few blankets like Zak asked for, he took my hand and we got outside.

"Let's climb on the roof, we'll lie together and look at the stars." Without any hesitance I nodded and followed him.

We got outside and he pulled out the ladder and started climbing.

"Coming?" He called out.

"You go first, I don't want you to look up my dress" I laughed. I followed him up.

"Oh wow" I got up on the roof and didn't believe how good my view was, not a single cloud in the sky. It was perfect.

"Come lay" I turned to Zak who was already laying down, I crouched down and snuggled up with him.

He kissed my forehead. "You're still thinking, say it?" He mumbled.

"What's the scariest part?" I looked at him, he laid his head back on the pillow exhaling deep. 

"Realisation that you have lost yourself completely, sinking in as you lay awake at 2am because you lost the ability to sleep. It's scary that I might never find love again possibly because I don't know what Leigh would think and it kills me."

I think he was looking for help, he was so overwhelmed. He had chaos running through his mind.

"Zak if you can't do this then I don't want to pressure you, you've been through enough and I don't want to cause more complications in your life."

"Tilly, stop it. I like that I can be me around you, that every time you look at me I don't see sorrow or sympathy. You see me for me." He brushed the hair off my face, we were going to kiss again.

"Do I need to get some air first?" I giggled.

"I need that breath that you're holding. It's mine and I want it." He brought his lips to my neck and softly pecked my skin, he groaned at the taste of me leaving me moaning.

He felt warm and familiar, he felt solid and safe.

"Kiss me" I panted.

He chuckled back a laugh and swiftly moved to my lips.

Second Chance. (Ultimate Dream Sequel - Zak Bagans Fan Fic) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant