Fortunate Accidents- 8

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"Your mum is in jail," The nurse said. "Sentenced for 20 years on account of child abuse, unsustainable living conditions for a minor and negligence. I'm sorry,"

"What she's what? Mum's in jail!?" I was shocked! How the heck was she in jail? She did none of what she was sentenced for! I was going to find out who did this and make them pay!

"I'm sorry, anything I can do?" She asks.

"No, I don't think there is," I say. I wasn't going to cry. I hadn't cried since mum told me dad died. I wasn't a very publicly emotional person, the only people that have ever seen me cry are Connor and mum.

"Well, that's all I had to tell you. Oh, you will be placed in foster care as of Monday," she says.

Monday, today is Saturday. I have two days living my dream then I'll be shipped off to live with someone I don't know. Great, what could get better?

"Okay. Can I go back in now?" I ask. Standing in a hallway makes me uncomfortable.

"Sure," she says. I can tell she's surprised I didn't break down or freak out. Well, I did. I just didn't make it public.

I walk back into the room and plaster a smile on my face.

"You all good?" Colleen asks.

"Yep," I say.

"What did you guys talk about?" She asked. Really she wanted to know, well once I've told her I'm pretty sure she'll regret asking.

"Well, some idiot put my mum in jail. She's been charged with child abuse, unsustainable living conditions for a minor and some other crap," I say. My expression doesn't change, I have a blank look on my face. Neither happy or sad, mad or glad. I'm just plain.

"What?!" Colleen shouts.

"Yeah, I go into foster care on Monday," I say. Hopefully the foster carers wouldn't beat me or make me do all the housework or kill me or something.

"Tailah! Oh my god!" Colleen exclaimed. She was really freaked out and seemed even a little angry.

"I'm fine with it. As long as I don't get put with criminals or people who don't let me do what I love," I say. With mum she let me sing. I loved singing, I loved acting and I loved animals. I wasn't allowed to have a pet when I was living in the apartment with mum but I occasionally walk my elderly next door neighbour's dog, Alfie. He was a bum to walk, always trying to run off or stopping and making me drag him back home. I still looked forward to walking him, I loved it when it was just me and him. I could talk about my crappy day at school or how I haven't yet finished my English assignment and he would never judge me.

"Oh Tailah." Colleen repeats.

"It's no big deal," I say. Honestly, she was acting as though I was just killed or something.

"Yes, it is! Tailah, you're going to live with a complete stranger," She says.

"Oh well. I'll deal," I say.

"My gosh!" Colleen squeaks.

"It's fine, really," I try to reassure her but it's not working very well.

I can tell that Matt, Matt, Rebecca, Rachel and Josh are feeling very awkward.

"Can we please change the subject?" I ask, "I've had the best day today and I don't want it to end. You are amazing, so is Josh. I just, don't want to talk about living with other people. Mum will be in jail, I will be growing up. Life will go on. No one else cares about me and it doesn't worry me."

"Tailah, we care about you. I don't want you going to a stranger's house." Colleen sounded very maternal right now.

"Well, maybe when Connor gets out of Uni I'll go live with him. He finishes next year so I won't be living in foster care for that long. I'll be alright,"

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