Fortunate Accidents- 19

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It was morning, I had already replied to Connor's email. He had said that he wouldn't be able to email for a few weeks because he was going on tour with his college band. They're actually really good. They upload their covers to YouTube so Josh and I watched a few before breakfast. Colleen and Josh figured out that I don't really do much aside from be at home so they decided I should meet some people. I wasn't too keen on that idea because I'm not really a people person, I much rather animals but I agreed that I'd give it a shot. 

I was sitting in my room reading some more of my amazing book and Colleen knocked on the door. 

"Hey Tai," She smiled.

"Hi," I said back not taking my eyes away from my book. 

"So, I was thinking... Maybe we could go out somewhere today. Together. Like a mother daughter date?" 

"Okay," I said hesitantly.

"Awesome," She said. I took my head out of my book and looked at her. She was dressed really nicely, like she was going on a date with someone. 

"Where are you headed?" I asked her.

"Nowhere," She said. Then she looked at her clothes, "I'm just wearing in these heels and was going to ask Josh if he likes this dress,"

"Well, I think you look really pretty," I told her. She smiled.

"Thanks Tai, it means a lot," She walked over to me and gave me a hug. I hugged back and she kissed me on the top of my head, amongst my frizzy mess.

I had never been taught how to braid so I never had my hair in braids, it was always just plaits and a high pony. 

Colleen walked out of the room. I was so glad I was living with such nice people. The only thing is that I was sort of sick of it. I didn't want to live with nice people, I wanted to live with my parents. I want Colleen and Josh to be my parents so I'm gonna change. No daughter of Colleen and Joshua Evans is a shy, quiet, non sociable girl! I have to be out there, like I've always wanted to be and never thought it was okay. I was gonna be loud, well maybe just louder. And I was going to actually speak. I never found the right times to say things, I just kept to myself. All of it's going to change because I don't like the person I am right now, I don't want to be this person. I want to be how I wish I could be. If I don't like who I am then I'm going to change...



This is a short chapter because the next chapters after this will have Tailah as who she wants to be and not who she is currently. 

Do you want Tailah to be more crazy and out there or do you prefer her to keep to herself? 

Comment below, I'll be reading all your comments! :)

I just wanna say thanks for reading my story, it really does mean a lot.

Sorry to say but the average chapter length is going to be between 800-1000 words as I dont wanna struggle to get over 1K words and therefore take longer to update. They're going to be longer than this chapter though, don't worry.

Have an awesome day!

Bye bye!


Joshleen 1: Fortunate Accidents Where stories live. Discover now