Fortunate Accidents- 13

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Tailah's P.O.V.

"Tai, come on in," Colleen called from behind the front door of her house, or should I now say MY house. I was gonna live here, with Colleen and Joshua Evans.

I opened the door. The house was way bigger in real life than it was in the vlogs, and way more beautiful.
"This is amazing!" I say.
A smile spread across Colleen and Josh's face.
"I'm so glad," Colleen said.
"So... Ready?" Josh asked.
"Mhm," I smiled cheekily.
"Ready for what?" Colleen questioned. She didn't know which was going to make this all the better, and way more fun.
"Nuthin'" Josh grinned.
"Josh, you gotta tell me!" Colleen begged.
"Tell you what? There's nothing to tell.  Tailah and I are just gonna go check out her room," he smiled. We both knew that's only one thing that's going to happen.
"I know you're lying Josh, just tell me! Does Tailah know?" She asked.

"Yeah," Joshua said. 

Colleen didn't look so happy, "Well, how about I show Tai to her room?" Colleen insisted.

"No, it's quite alright," Josh pleaded. 

"I can probably take myself..." I say, Josh said I needed to make Colleen feel bad and get her out of the house somehow. I had no clue how I was meant to do that but I was gonna try. 

"No Tailah, it's alright. I'll take you now," Josh said, he looked at Colleen with a look that sort of said 'let me do it'.

"Fine, fine," Colleen said in a defeated tone, "You can do whatever scheme your planning. I'm going shopping, calling mum and calling in at Rachel's. I'll be back in a few hours, I will call when I'm heading home so have whatever you're doing packed up by then," She told us like we were her children and had to pack up our toys. I guess it was how she was expected to be like, she had a child, that child was me.

"Bye, love you," Josh kissed her.

 Not on the cheek but on the lips, I wonder how many times he did that a day. I just wasn't used to it. Mum had never had another male living in the house after dad died aside from Connor and she never had any boyfriends or ever went on a date. She was loyal to dad, only dad. She still loved him more than anyone, well aside me of course. She loved him before she had us, before he got sick, before he died and now, after he's dead she loves him all the more because she regrets not telling him that she loved him enough. I felt sorry for mum, what she had gone through trying to raise 2 children under the age of 7 and having no husband. She had good income while dad was alive, she was an actress for the Royal Sydney Theatre and performed every month with the cast and crew. She was well known in all of Australia. Then once dad got sick she had little time to juggle performing and raising us so lot by lot she lost rehearsal time, lead roles and eventually any roles. She had no time for it. She loved acting and singing. She was a really good singer but hadn't sung since dad died, Connor had videos of it which I loved watching, she wasn't happy enough to sing. Now she's in prison, with actual criminals who have killed people, sexually assaulted people, stolen things, the list goes on and on. 

By the time I snapped out of my thinking Josh had just shut the front door and Colleen was starting her car. I guess you could say I think too much.

"This way," Josh said leading me down the main hallway. He stopped and opened the door of the room. It was huge, absolutely massive. It was probably 4 times the size of my current room.

"I-I-I-It's amazing," I stuttered admiring it's awesomeness. 

"It's a little small but hopefully you like it," He smiled. Small? Was he joking or being legit serious? How in the world was this a little small? It was huge, I guess I just need to hurry the heck up and learn what normal people's lives are like.

"No, I love it," I say honestly. It was gorgeous. 

The walls were a light grey, one wall a gorgeous light turquoise blue. There was a king single bed with blue, white and purple striped sheets, the pillow cases matching. It was what I dreamed rich people lived like. There was a bay window with blue and purple cushions and it was absolutely gorgeous. I would never had pictured myself living in such a perfect place!

"Great, now here's your stuff. Colleen will help you unpack when she gets back. For now, let's get started," He smiled. I was so ready for this.

Colleen's P.O.V.

Why was Joshua acting so strangely? Normally he was always letting me do the settling in and new people thing but today he insisted. Knowing my luck he's going to be doing something stupid or ruining something. More cleaning for me, yay! 

I was going to take Tailah shopping later because she didn't have any clothes, well she had a few shirts, shorts and pajamas but she needed much more. I wasn't going to let any daughter of mine be low on clothing, it wasn't possible!

Tailah's P.O.V.

"So we should first find the perfect spot," I explained to Josh. 

He looked around before saying, "Mancave?" 

"Perfect!" I agreed. The mancave I had seen in vlogs and it looked pretty amazing. There would be enough room and Colleen wouldn't suspect anything. We could just say we were doing some spring cleaning. 

"Okay, I'll call Rach and you grab some supplies. Or do we have to go shopping?" Josh asked frowning when he said shopping. I knew that not many men liked shopping unless it was for homeware/ tradie stuff. 

"We'll see what we've got, don't rule out shopping yet though," I told him. He rolled his eyes and took out his phone to call Rachel. I walked  back into the house and walked into Josh and Colleen's bedroom to look in the closet to find supplies like Josh told me to. I lifted out a small brown paper bag that was hidden behind some of Colleen's boots to find...


Cliffhanger suckers, take that!

Anyways, I hope you're enjoying the story so far!

I'm sorry if it totally sucks and is super boring!

I've never really written a story like this so give me honest feedback about how awfully I'm doing!

Have an awesome day!

Bye bye!


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