Fortunate Accidents- 26

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A/N: pic of Tailah riding Donatello above
I dismounted Donatello and held his reins whilst standing in front of Elaine.

"I think Donatello is a little too placid for your level. He's normally for our complete beginners or riders who've lost their confidence," Elaine told me.

Donatello was too placid? I was a good rider? I didn't think I was actually good at riding. I just really like doing it. Was I going to ride a different horse next time I come?

"Do I ride a different horse next time?" I ask Elaine. Mum and dad were walking over to me.

"Yeah, I'll get ya something a little bigger and more suited," she smiled.


"Did you enjoy it?" Colleen asked me. We were driving back home in her car. Josh had gone back with Rebecca cause he was going to Slays afterwards anyway.

"Yes! It was amazing, I enjoyed every single second!" I told her. She smiled.

"Only thing is that you won't be able to ride for a while," Colleen told me.

"Yeah. Why is that?" I asked curiously.

"Well, I was going to wait to tell you when Joshua is with us but I couldn't wait," She said.

"For what?" I asked super enthusiastically.

"For the trip to Australia," Colleen exclaimed. Australia!?!?

"We're going back to Australia?" I asked. Is something wrong? Am I getting sent back to a foster home?

"For our birthdays!" Colleen smiled.

"Our birthday?" I had totally forgot my birthday was coming up.

"Yeah! I thought you'd like the idea," Colleen told me seeming a little hurt.

"I do! Very much! What about your tour?" I asked. Mum's tour started in 2 weeks and my birthday was the 21st of November which is also the same as mum's.

"Well, the tour will be done on the 18th so we have time," Mum said. Honestly I didn't really want to go back to Australia. I think if I went back it'd just make me more home sick and I've finally felt like my life is great so I want it to stay like this.

"Oh okay," I say. My face must have dropped into a sad one because mum looked at me sympethetically.

"We don't have to go, we can just stay here," Mum told me. I could tell she wanted to go. It would make her happy, so reluctantly I felt that we needed to go.

"No, of course I wanna go. I just don't know what to do I guess,"

"You know if you wanna talk then I'm right here, I'll always be here for you Tai. I'm incredibly proud of you and so happy to have you in my life. The crazy drama that's lead me here with you is something I'd live through again and again if it meant I could be here with you! I love ya Tai," Mum looked at me. Her words dug into my heart, I felt something prick my eyes. It was a tear, I was most definitely not going to cry because I never cry. Instead, I wiped my nose and smiled at mum.

"I love you too, and dad and Rach," I tell her. She smiled almost as wide as her eyes.

"Let's get home then shall we?"

"Or... We could go get some Taco Bell," I insist.

"Well if you say it like that I can't refuse," Colleen said fake blaming me.

"Come on then," I say how Colleen normally says it. She smiled and turned on the cd player, we listen to Ariana Grande and I sing along quietly. I don't like singing in front of people. Mum and Connor said I had a good voice but I know they were just saying that to make me feel good. It worked at the time.


I suppose the Australia trip would be fine. It's not like it'll be the end of the world and I'll be trapped there or anything! Mum and dad wanted to go so my job as a daughter is to make them happy and in order to do that I need to be happy. Colleen and Joshua, my parents, are going to all ends to make me happy and I love them for doing that. My life is now great! I love where I live, how I live, who I live with. The list goes on and on and I wouldn't change a thing about my crazy life!


So, tell me what ya think of the chapter. I also wanna thank you guys for reading, a lot of people read the first chapter and stop there cause it's so crappy. I'm so very grateful that you all are so nice and sweet. Wattpad is unlike any other social media as the people I'm meeting on here are incredibly kind and welcoming and I just feel so happy.
Go check out @cmehappiness 's book! It's amazing much like the author herself.
Have an amazing day!

Joshleen 1: Fortunate Accidents Where stories live. Discover now