Chapter 3

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Carl's POV

The entire ride to the plaza that my dad was talking about, I simply stared out the window, my arm draped casually over Enid's shoulder.

Though I couldn't see her, I could tell she was asleep because her head was on my shoulder and her breaths were deep and and had a rhythm.

Suddenly, I heard whistling in my left ear.

I turned around in confusion to see that the source of the whistling was Abraham.

When he saw that he got my attention, he whispered, "Can I ask you a question?"

I nodded. "Sure."

He slowly and quietly got up from his seat and kneeled in front of me.

"This is gonna be a little awkward," he warned. "But have know...poured the Bisquick?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I asked, not knowing what he meant at all.

Abraham sighed. "You know," he trailed off, gesturing to Enid then me then slowly put tapped the tips of his forefingers together.

Oh, god, did he mean....

I took in a sharp breath. "Um," I said awkwardly. "No...we haven't." I laughed nervously. "Why?"

"Well, that's good," he said, a little less fidgety. "Because now isn't exactly the best time to...make pancakes, so to speak."

I nodded. I suddenly found it to be extremely hot in the RV and I pulled the color on my shirt down a little.

"Okay," Abraham said. "Thanks."

He then went back to his seat, next to Eugene.

I cleared my throat a little and tried to forget what just happened.

Soon enough we came to the plaza.

I shook Enid slightly to wake her up.

Once she was fully awake, everyone filed out.

We all gathered in front of my dad, waiting for his instruction.

"Alright," he said. "Split up into groups of about 3 or 4. Make sure to go into every building and gather what we need."

We all nodded. I ended up in a group with Enid, Sasha, and Maggie.

Once everyone was grouped off, we were about start searching when we heard a rumble in the distance.

My dad heard it, too. "Whoa, whoa, everyone, wait," he ordered and we all huddled together.

After a few moments, we saw, what looked like a huge safari jeep, come around the corner, slowing to a stop in front of us.

I quickly grabbed Enid's hand and squeezed it. I knew that she could protect herself, she's proved that many times, but I'm still always gonna protect her. I would lose an eye for her.

My dad made his way to the front of the group, pulling out his gun.

After a minute, a guy that seemed to be in his late 20s/early 30s came out of the jeep.

He laughed at the sight of us. "Well, dang," he said.

Soon more people came flooding out of the vehicle as well. They all seemed to range between the ages of 25 and 60.

They greatly outnumbered us, about 30 to 11.

The man chuckled. "I think we're gonna need some help from the boss with this one.

He turned his head back to the jeep. "Boss!" he called.

Soon enough, the driver's door opened, and someone stepped out.

As the person came around the vehicle and I could see their face, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Author's Note: Hey guys! So I'm back from Disney World so updates should start being frequent again.

Who do you think the leader is?

Why do you think Abraham gave Carl that little speech about pouring the Bisquick?

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