Chapter 41

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Carl's POV

As I walked back home, I noticed how thick the snow was getting on the ground. We rarely got snow in Georgia so it wasn't something I was used to.

As I entered the house, I started to look for Enid.

Walking into the living room, I saw Enid asleep on the couch, her hand on her stomach. I sighed, a smile coming on my face as I looked at my family.

I had no idea how she fell asleep. It was freezing in the house, it being the middle of winter.

I slowly and quietly walked over to her and grabbed the blanket, covering her. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. Go ahead and call me cheesy, I don't care.

Wait, why am I defending myself to the people living in my head? Wait, why are there people living in my head?

After pondering that for a second, I shook it off and sat in the love seat by the window and watched as snow fell down, covering the ground in white.

I tried to fight sleep. Gate watch is the most tiring thing ever.

I was about to just let myself rest when I heard Enid groan.

Turning to face her, she looked up at me with her sleepy eyes.

She propped herself up on her elbow. "Hey," she greeted.

"Hey," I replied.

"Did you just get back?" she asked, pushing her hair back.

"Yeah," I answered.

She glanced at the clock before giving me a confused look. "It's 4:30," she stated. "Dad said you had watch until 11."

"I did," I confirmed. "I went outside the walls for a while."

"And no one caught you?" she asked, surprised.

"I'm pretty good and getting over the walls unnoticed," I told her. "You taught me that, remember?"

She looked down and smiled, probably remembering the days when we would sneak over the walls in Alexandria to hang out.

"Come on," I said, getting to my feet. "We should start heading over. We don't wanna be late for the meeting."

I walked over to her, and though I offered her my hand, she shrugged it off playfully and got up on her own.

We both grabbed an apple from the kitchen, grabbed our jackets, and headed off.

Author's Note: So I have a few things to say.

Sorry for the really short chapters. I've been rehearsing for a musical I'm going to be in for the past three weeks (the first showing of it is tomorrow 😁)

Also, did you notice how Enid called Rick "dad" instead of "your (meaning Carl's) dad"?😏😉

And it's time for another story time. So I finished editing the predictions video (thanks to MaliasPack for telling me about Cute Cut), but now the video won't upload to YouTube. So yeah life hates me.

Finally, this story is going to be coming to an end pretty soon 😩😭

And there may or may not be a third book 😉

TogetherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora