Chapter 22

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I was having a conversation with Daryl when Mike ran up to me.

"JC!" he yelled. I turned to face him in surprise.

"Rippers!" he yelled. "A lot of them! At the gate!"

I sighed in frustration and ran with him to the wall.

I climbed the guard post and looked down to see over two dozen rippers pounding on the gate.

I looked over to see a piece of paper attached to a tree near the gate.

It had writing on it but the tree was far enough away that I couldn't see what it said.

Looking around, I found the binoculars and put them up to my eyes.

Finally, I was able to read the note.

You thought we were done, didn't you?

I sighed in frustration and lowered the binoculars.

Negan. He just wouldn't give up. At least he didn't kill anybody this time.

I grabbed the rifle that was leaning against the guard chair, making sure it had a silencer on it, and quickly gunned down the rippers.

I sat down in the chair and put my head in my hands.

I had no idea what I was going to do. Soon, he was going to stop playing his little games and just come in and kill us.

I sighed and stood up, jumping down from the post.

Mike was waiting for me at the base.

"Is everything okay?" he asked worriedly.

I smiled at him reassuringly. "Yeah," I sighed. "I'll see you later."

I started walking back into town.

"Where are you going?" he called after me.

I turned to face him. "Just going to find Enid."

Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry this was so crazy late. I had a mini crisis today so I spent about two hours freaking out over that. But here it is!

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