Chapter 10

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Enid's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and was blinded by the sunlight streaming through the window.

I slowly looked to my right and saw Carl sleeping peacefully next to me with his arm slung around my chest.

I laughed a little and lightly shook him to wake him up.

After a few tries, I saw him open his eyes, struggling a little.

"Come on, Carl," I whispered. "Get up."

Eventually, he managed to push himself into a sitting position, me following him. I put my arm around him, running my hand through his hair.

"Good morning," I chuckled.

He took a deep breath, "Morning," he replied. Finally, he seemed fully awake.

"You got that run with JC today?" I asked seriously.

"Yeah," he said, turning his head to face me. He gave me a loving smile. "But you stay, okay?"

I looked at him for a moment before saying, "Fine."

He leaned in and kissed me quickly before getting out of bed and getting dressed.

I didn't need to since I just slept in my regular clothes.

I simply hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair.

Once both of us were ready, we met Rick and Michonne downstairs.

The four of us sat down at the table to eat breakfast.

"Now," Rick told me and Michonne. "Carl, JC, a couple members of her group, and I will be gone for most of the day. But JC said she has a few jobs for you two today."

We both nodded and continued to eat.

Once we were done, the four of us walked out to meet JC and the others.

They were waiting by their safari jeep. We saw JC leaning against the hood.

When she saw us approaching, she smiled and walked towards us.

"You ready?" she asked Rick and Carl.

They both nodded. Rick started walking towards the jeep but Carl turned to me and pulled me in, kissing me for a few moments.

When he pulled away, he said, "See you later."

I smiled. "Yeah," I sighed. As he turned away to head towards the vehicle, I said, "Bye."

Everyone piled into the jeep except for JC.

She turned to face me and Michonne.

"Alright, Enid," she said, pointing to me. "You have gate watch at 12."

I nodded.

"Michonne, you have kitchen duty at 3."

Even though Michonne was not a cook, she bit it back and nodded.

Once everything was clear, JC walked to the jeep before she stopped

She was halfway up the steps when she turned to me and smiled.

"And don't worry," she said. "I'll make sure Carl gets back to you in one piece."

I breathed out a laugh. "Thanks," I told her.

She winked at me before climbing into the driver's seat.

I went back to stand next to Michonne and watched as the jeep sped off.

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