Chapter 30

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Carl's POV

JC and I slowly approached the abandoned house.

I stood behind her as she opened the door.

She made a disgusted sound and covered her nose with her sweatshirt.

"God, what died in here?" she asked, her voice an octave higher than it usually was.

She turned to me. Her face had become pale.

"Um, JC, are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Uh, yeah," she said softly. "I've just kinda always had a weak stomach when it comes to smell."

Suddenly, she put her hand over her stomach.

"I'm just gonna..." she trailed off, putting her hand over mouth and gesturing to the outside of the other side of the house.

I nodded and she ran off. Suddenly, I heard the sound of her puking, making me slightly cringe.

After a minute, she came back around the house, wiping her mouth.

"Sorry," she sighed. "I'm okay now."

I nodded and we headed in.


Strewn across the floor were bodies. A lot of them. They looked like they were murdered recently.

"Oh, my God," I breathed.

I heard Carl swear under his breath.

I sighed. "Okay," I said. "I'm gonna search these bodies and see if they had anything on them. You should check around the house."

Carl nodded and headed into the kitchen.

I kneeled down next to the closest body and started checking it, trying to get the taste of bile out of my mouth.

I found a gun laying next to him. I picked it up and was about to check the clip when I noticed something. Carved on the handle was a bat with wire wrapping around it.

"Hey, Carl!" I called.

He appeared in the doorway a moment later. "What is it?" he asked, his hand gripping his gun.

I turned to look at him. "These were Saviors," I told him.

His eyes widened. "How do you know?" he asked.

I handed him the weapon. "These are their guns."

Once he was done observing the revolver, he looked up at me. "Do you think that Negan could be one of these bodies?"

"I don't know," I mumbled. "Keep looking and tell me if you find anything."

He nodded, putting the gun in his holster and heading back into kitchen.

I continued to search the bodies, finding knives and bullets and putting them in my bag. I was constantly pushing my hair back as it kept falling in my face.

Suddenly, I heard a call from Carl.

"Hey JC! I found something!"

I pushed myself to my feet, wiping the dirt off my jeans and combat boots, and went to find Carl, trying my best to not step on the freshly killed bodies.

I found Carl staring at a large message written on a wall.

The message read REMEMBER WHO WE WERE.

I went to stand next to Carl.

"Could this message have been written by Negan?" he asked. "He's proven that he likes to leave things like this."

"No, that wouldn't make an sense," I said, trying to decipher everything.

I gestured to the bodies. "This was a massacre," I explained. "And whoever murdered these people must have felt a little guilty so they wrote on the wall that this isn't what they were always like. Now the only question that's left is who did this?"

"Looks like we're not Negan's only enemy," Carl pointed out.

I let out a chuckle. "I guess not," I agreed. "Speaking of Negan, did you find his body here?"

He shook his head. "No. He must've gotten away."

I nodded slightly. "Let's get out of here," I suggested. "This place is giving me the creeps."

Carl agreed and we stepped out of the house.

Carl's POV

JC quickly shut the door behind her, the huge sweatshirt she was wearing making that slightly difficult.

Once she succeeded, she took a deep breath.

"Well, now what?" I asked. "We go back home?"

JC gave me a confused look. "No," she said. "We have to continue to look for Negan."

"What?" I exclaimed. I gestured to the house. "But you saw what happened to those Saviors! How do you know the same thing isn't gonna happen to us?"

"I don't," she said simply.

"And you still wanna continue?" I asked incredulously.

"Well, you know what they say about people," she said. "They're one part brave and three parts fool."

"Where did you get that from?" I asked.

"Eragon, where else?" she said as if it were obvious. "You can head back if you want."

And with that, she started heading down the road.

And, without a reason, I did what I've done since the day I met her.

I followed her.

Author's Note: I really love writing the JC/Carl friendship 😆

Also I'm going to be writing an Until Dawn fanfiction soon called One Year Later and I'm really excited about it. For those of you who don't know what Until Dawn is, it's a horror game for the PS4 that follows 8 teenagers and it's really cool. I hope you all will read it and like it when it comes out! 😬😄❤️

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