Chapter 28

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Carl's POV

I was walking behind JC when she abruptly stopped, causing me to run into her.

She turned back to face me, a confused look on her face.

"I just realized something," she stated. "How did you get out of the house without Rick noticing you?"

"I went out the back door," I said simply while shrugging.

"How did Enid not notice you?" she asked, her eyebrows raised.

"I managed not to wake her up when I got out of bed," I answered.

JC nodded before starting to laugh.

"What?" I said, a little defensive.

"Nothing," she got out. She managed to calm down before saying, "You're just really lucky to have people that care so much about you."

I gave her a confused look. "You have people that care about you, too," I reminded her.

"I know," she said. "But my dad is gone. And I'm not exactly the most eligible bachelorette in the dating pool right now, if you know what I'm saying."

I chuckled and nodded before we fell into silence once again.

After a few minutes, JC spoke up again. "So," she started. "That prison that you and your dad took me to, you know, where we found Eugene and them, have you guys been in there since the beginning?"

"No," I answered. "Before that place, we lived in this safe-zone called Alexandria."

She sharply turned her head to look at me, making her hair fly a little.

"You're from Alexandria?" she asked, seeming like she was in shock.

I nodded slowly.

A smile broke out on her face. "That's where I was heading after my parents died," she laughed.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Really?" I said incredulously. "How come I never saw you?"

"I never made it," she admitted. "My group found me before I got there."

I nodded.

"Why did you guys leave?" she asked.

I sobered as I recalled the memory. "The Wolves destroyed it," I mumbled.

JC nodded sadly, though she said nothing.

We continued walking, neither of us having anything to say.

Soon enough, we came to a single house on the side of the road.

"We should check in there," JC commented. "It might have something."

And with that, she started jogging towards the house.

As I reluctantly followed, I tried to ignore the overwhelming smell of rotting corpses as it wafted through the broken windows.

Author's Note: So I watched the first three episode of t@gged (the web series that Katelyn Nacon is in) today and it was so good omg.

Surprisingly, Elisia (Katelyn's character) and Enid are actually quite similar 😂😂😂

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