Chapter 16

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My eyes shot open, my breathing heavy. I had been having nightmares about my parents at random times these past few months.

I still had no idea who had killed them. I knew it couldn't have been suicide because neither of them had guns on them at the time. And I swore to myself that the day I find their killer, I'd stab them through the heart.

I had also never found Alexandria. After walking for about 10 miles, I had found my group and they led me here. I had always wondered what Alexandria was like. I tried to picture the life I could've had if I had lived there. If I would've been different.

I yawned and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and started to brush my teeth.

I noticed in the mirror that my eyes were still red and puffy from crying the other night. Tim's funeral had been brutal. Everyone was angry. I didn't know if it was at Negan or at themselves world or at this world.

I brushed through my tangled blond hair and when it was smooth, I pulled it up into a ponytail, making sure to cover the receding hairlines that I already had.

Once I was alright with my appearance, I remembered that Rick, Carl and Michonne left on their week long run today and I went out to meet them.

There was already a crowd gathered around their RV and I pushed my way to the front.

I saw Rick and Michonne but there was no sign of Carl.

I walked up to the pair.

"Where's Carl?" I asked quietly.

"Probably still sleeping," Rick said, seeming slightly annoyed at his son.

As if on cue, I saw Carl and Enid make their way to the front of the group. Holding hands, they seemed more fidgety than usual, like they were afraid someone would discover a secret they were hiding.

"Alright, dad," Carl sighed. "I'm ready."

Rick nodded and got into the RV. Michonne followed him.

Carl turned around and enveloped Enid in a big bear hug.

She returned it. She seemed to be holding back tears.

Once they let go, Carl turned around and saw me.

He smiled and walked towards me.

We embraced in a friendly hug.

When we let go, I asked him, "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah," he said. "I'm sure. You deserve a break."

"So do you," I pointed out.

"JC," he cut me off. "I'll be fine. Don't worry. Plus, I think Enid's gonna need someone to hang out with this week."

I nodded and leaned in, giving him a sisterly kiss on the cheek.

He smiled and started walking away. "Bye," he said quietly.

I waved and he got into the RV.

I walked over to stand next to Enid. I put my arm around her and she put her head on my shoulder.

We watched with the rest of the group as the RV sped off, leaving a trail of dust and dirt in its wake.

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