Chapter 35

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Carl's POV

I walked down the streets, clenching and unclenching my fists.

How could she keep something like this from me? Who does that? I'm not even ready to be a dad.

I sobered as I walked past JC's grave. Her funeral was brutal. I actually went, unlike Enid at Glenn's funeral.

Finally finding the house I was looking for, I walked up to the door and knocked.

It opened a moment later and there stood Maggie.

She seemed surprised to see me. "Carl?" she said quietly.

I took a deep breath, my anger melting into sadness. "I didn't know who else to go to," I admitted.

"Well, come in," she offered.

I smiled in thanks and stepped inside.

She sat me down on the couch.

"I just made hot chocolate," she told me, gesturing to the kitchen. "You want some?"

"Sure," I said politely. "Thanks."

She nodded and disappeared into the other room for a moment before coming back out with two cups, steam rising off of both them.

She handed one to me and I immediately took a sip. It was getting cold out and I liked hot drinks anyway.

She took a seat next to me on the couch and patted my knee.

"Now what's going on?" she asked.

"Um," I stuttered, not knowing where to start. "I've just been really overwhelmed by everything."

She gave me an empathetic look, obviously understanding.

"It's almost like," I explained, becoming more comfortable. "I never expected this to happen to her. She was so strong. It's like she was invincible. I guess that's why I connected with her so much. Because she wasn't weak."

Maggie nodded, indicating that she was listening.

"Now she's dead," I concluded. "And I have no idea what to do."

She sighed. "I remember when my dad died," she reminisced. "And Beth. And Glenn. I had no idea how I was gonna continue living. I was in a dark hole for so long. But then I took a look around. And I realized the people that I still had. I still had your dad, and Daryl, and you. Enid. I still had family."

I looked down at my feet.

"JC is still here," Maggie whispered. "She's still here because you're still here. Keep her with you. Let us help you."

I slowly looked up at her.

"And you're lucky," she said, smiling. "You have a girlfriend that would do absolutely anything for you."

I inhaled sharply as I remembered Enid. "Her and I aren't exactly on good terms right now," I admitted.

Maggie scrunched her eyebrows together. "Why?" she asked.

I debated on whether or not to tell her for a moment.

"She's pregnant and didn't tell me," I mumbled.

Her eyes widened. "She's what?!" she asked incredulously.

I looked down in shame.

"Carl," she said reproachfully, her voice full of sympathy. I looked up at her slightly.

"I'm not a big fan of the two of you doing things that led to her getting pregnant at 16, but that's not the point. You need to make up with her," she told me.

I sighed and looked off to my right. How did I know she would say that?

"If not for her," she added quickly. "For the baby. You don't want your own child to grow up without a dad, do you?"

Feeling a tear roll down my cheek, I pressed my lips together and shook my head. "I love her," I said truthfully.

"Then find it in your heart to forgive her," she said. "She loves you so much."

I slowly nodded.

Maggie smiled and scooted forward pulling me into a hug.

I reciprocated it, feeling a ton of weight fall off of my shoulders.

Author's Note: About time someone knocked some sense into Carl. But Maggie did it in her usual sweet Maggie way which I love.

How will Carl make it up to Enid? Will Enid even forgive Carl at this point? Or is their bridge burned forever?

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