Chapter 17

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Enid's POV

I watched as the RV sped away.

Once it was out of sight, I sighed and shrugged JC's arm off, walking away.

"Enid," I heard JC behind me.

I stopped and slowly turned to face her.

"What?" I asked. I was bitter and I didn't even know why.

JC sighed. "I know you're worried about Carl, but he's tough. There is no doubt in my mind that he will come back." She smirked. "Plus, he has something to fight for, doesn't he?"

I breathed out a laugh, lightening up a little. "Yeah," I chuckled. "I guess so."

"Hey," she said, as if just realizing something. "You wanna come to the lake with me before I have gate watch?"

"Gate watch?" I asked, not sure if I had heard her right. "I thought you didn't do gate watch."

"I didn't," JC sighed. "But with everything going on with Negan, if he's heading our way, I need to be the first one to know, even if it means risking my life."

I nodded, discovering new respect for JC. I mean, I already respected her, but now knowing everything she would do to save her group, it made me feel like a total coward.

"You wanna go get some comics from my house before going to the lake?" I asked, pointing in the direction of the building I lived in.

"Yeah, sure," she nodded and we started walking.

"Can I ask you something?" she asked, a little serious.

"Shoot," I invited. When she looked at me sharply, I shook my head and apologized. "Sorry, bad choice of words. Um, yes, go ahead."

She nodded and asked, "You and Carl seemed kinda fidgety when you came out to meet us. Were you okay?"

I inhaled, freaking out a little. I didn't want JC to know that Carl and I slept together, but I also didn't want to lie to her. Eventually, I knew I needed to.

"Um," I started nervously. "Yeah, we were fine. Carl was just kinda worried that Rick would yell at him for oversleeping."

JC took a moment before chuckling. "I don't believe you," she admitted. "But I'll let it go."

I mentally breathed a sigh of relief and we continued walking back to my house.

Author's Note: Hey guys! So I kinda have a lot to say.

1. I'm sorry this chapter was so late. I was hanging out with my best friend until 4, then I had to come home and take a shower then immediately head to musical rehearsal.

2. Sorry this chapter was really short. I kinda wanted to focus on the JC/Enid friendship a little then get right into the thick of it with Carl, Rick, and Michonne next chapter, so that is what I will be doing lol.

3. While Carl, Rick, and Michonne are away, Enid will be staying with Maggie, Abraham, and Sasha for future references.

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