Chapter 9

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Enid's POV

I was hanging out with Maggie at the gathering when I saw Carl and JC walk through the door. I tensed up a little when I saw his arm around her. I tried my best to not worry about it and continued talking to Maggie.

I saw Carl and JC go their separate ways and Carl started heading towards me.

Maggie saw as well and she excused herself.

Carl came and took Maggie's place.

"Hey," he greeted. He leaned in and kissed me quickly.

"That was a long walk you took," I commented.

He hesitated before saying, "I didn't actually take a walk. I went and talked to JC."

"Like one on one?" I asked, getting a little excited. He nodded. "What's she like?"

Carl considered it for a moment then said, "Strong. She's really strong. And also incredibly smart. I found a bunch of papers on her desk that were covered in algebra, like really difficult algebra."

I nodded, really impressed. She seemed awesome.

"But I think she's in trouble," he said a little quieter. "I need to talk to you, Michonne, and my dad."

"I'll go get them," I told him, a little scared, and went to search.

Eventually found them talking to Daryl and Abraham.

"Rick! Michonne!" I called once I got to them, making sure to stay quiet.

They turned to look at me in surprise.

"Carl needs us," I told them. They took a moment before nodding and following me.

Carl found us and led us outside.

"So I found out why they wanted us to stay in the house earlier," he started.

Rick, Michonne, and I glanced at each other before looking back at him.

"There's this guy called Negan," he explained. "He's the leader of this group called the Saviors. Him and JC fought last year and now he comes by once every two months and JC has to give him half of the community's stuff."

"Wait," I stopped him, holding my hand up. "She told you all of this from like the 10 minutes you talked to her?"

"You talked to her one on one?" my dad asked in surprise. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Guys, this is besides the point," Carl said exasperatedly. "She told me that she thinks Negan is planning to kill her and her group. And maybe even us if he considers us to be a part of her group. She said she knew just by the way he looked at her today."

All of us were in shock. Why would anyone want to kill someone like JC? Oh, duh. Because we're in a freaking apocalypse.

Rick seemed to think for a second. "Well," he finally said. "Then the answer's simple. We go back home." He started walking back inside.

"What?!" Carl exclaimed angrily. "What about the others?"

Rick turned back to face his son. "I will not risk the safety of anyone in my group!"

"So you're just gonna leave JC and her group here to die?!" Carl shot back. Even I was a little surprised. This was totally a Rick kind of thing to do, but it seemed like he was starting to care about this place.

Carl calmed down a little and walked towards his dad. "Can we at least try to help her?" he pleaded. "I mean, we owe her. She took us in when she could've just killed us. Come on, we owe her this much."

Rick considered it for a moment before sighing. "Fine," he consented.

Carl smiled at his dad. "Thank you."

He turned to me and Michonne. "Well?" he asked. "What do you guys think?"

I looked at Michonne and I knew we were thinking the same thing.

"Yeah," I said, turning back to my boyfriend. "Let's do it."

Author's Note: So have you guys heard on Jennie? Apparently she's this girl in season 7 that is going to have feelings for Carl and I swear if Carl isn't smart about this then I will have to jump into the show and take matters into my own hands

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