Chapter 40

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Enid's POV

"Enid!" I heard a distant voice calling.

That went on for a few moments before I was pulled out of my dream.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Carl standing over me.

"Okay, okay," I shooed. "I'm up, you can shut up."

I pushed myself to my feet and started to feel my stomach twisting around.

"Oh, God," I mumbled before racing to the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet and puking.

I heard Carl run in behind me and hold my hair, rubbing my back.

Once I was done, I whimpered a little and flushed the toilet.

I was still in my first trimester so this happened a lot. I was so close to my second trimester which meant bye-bye morning sickness so I was really excited.

I turned to Carl and he handed me a bottle of water.

Thanking him, I chugged the liquid and adjusted my legs to a more comfortable position.

"You alright?" he asked.

I gave him a weak smile. "Yeah," I sighed. "I'm almost out of this so I can tough it out."

I struggled to my feet.

"I wonder if your dad is done making breakfast," I thought out loud.

Carl rolled his eyes just from hearings the words "your dad". "You can go check," he told me. "I need to get dressed."

I nodded and headed downstairs, while he headed into the bedroom.

Entering the kitchen, I saw a note lying on the table.

Curious, I went over and picked it up.

Carl and Enid,

Gonna be gone the entire day. Breakfast is in the fridge.

Carl, you have gate watch from 10 to 11. Enid, you take it easy today.

There is gonna be a town meeting at 5 pm.


Though I didn't appreciate being treated like I was weak, I was kinda relieved to have the day off.

I went over to the fridge and took out one of the two plates of scrambled eggs and put it in the microwave for 15 seconds.

I heard Carl coming down the stairs and I turned to face him.

Picking up the note, I handed it to him and sat down at the table and started to eat. I was really hungry since everything that I had eaten since yesterday was now gone.

Once he was done reading, he glanced up at me and asked, "What's this meeting about?" and headed to the fridge to get his eggs.

"I'm not sure," I answered. "Are you gonna go?"

Carl and Rick were still in rough waters since their fight a week ago, making living in this house pretty awkward since they were both so stubborn and refused to apologize.

"I guess I have to," Carl sighed. "He'd kill me if I wasn't there."

When we finished eating, we put our plates in the sink.

As Carl headed into the living room, I glanced at the clock.


Carl had to be at gate watch by 10.

"Hey, Carl?" I called.

"Yeah," he called back.

"Don't you have to head to watch?"

He raced into the kitchen a moment later and looked at the clock. When he saw the time, he swore loudly. "I gotta go."

He gave me a quick kiss and blew a kiss to my stomach before grabbing his assault rifle and silencer and running out the door.

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