Chapter 24

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1 month later

"Where is he?!" Enid yelled. She was having another one of her typical mood swings. We were hanging out in her room when she suddenly burst out in anger.

"Enid-" I started.

She whipped around to face me, pointing at me in anger. "And don't you tell me that he's dead!"

I put my hands up in surrender. I hated seeing her like this. We hadn't seen even the smallest sign of Rick, Michonne, and Carl in over a month. Rick's entire group was freaking out, but no one came close to Enid.

It was like one day, she seemed to have come to accept it and was almost happy again, the next she was crying and angry. I had no idea how to keep up.

Suddenly, the door flew open and we saw Maggie.

There was a shocked yet happy expression on her face and she was staring right at Enid.

Enid hastily wiped the tears off her face and gave Maggie an expectant look.

Maggie nodded. They were back.

I jumped up from the bed and the three of us sprinted out of the room.

Once we got outside, we slowed down when we saw the RV. There was no one coming out of it.

Maggie ran to join Abraham and Sasha.

Enid and I walked toward the RV at a snail's pace.

No one seemed to want to get near the vehicle. They all stayed about 30 feet away. We stopped at the front of the group.

Suddenly, the door opened slowly.

And out stepped Carl.

I heard Enid gasp sharply and start running towards him.

He saw her coming at him and a sad smile came on his face.

"Enid," he whispered as she jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. He slowly spun her around.

They finally let go and Carl made eye contact with me.

He walked towards me. When he got to me, I wrapped my arms around him. He reciprocated.

As we hugged, I saw Rick step out of the RV over Carl's shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I whispered to him.

He didn't answer and I didn't press him.

We let go as I saw Enid walk towards us.

As she and Carl hugged again, I walked towards Rick. He was checking the ammo in his gun. He had a hard and somber look on his face.

When he saw me coming, he put his gun away and pulled me into a hug.

I returned the hug as an unwelcome tear slid down my face.

We let go and I looked inside the RV over his shoulder.

"Where's Michonne?" I asked worriedly.

Rick didn't answer, just shook his head sadly.

"Oh, God, I'm sorry," I whispered.

He sighed. "You wanna help me unload the stuff from the RV?"

I nodded quickly and followed him inside.

I started lifting a few bags and glanced up at the leader.

"What happened?" I asked.

He took a few moments before simply saying, "The Wolves are gone."

I had no idea what he was talking about but I decided not to press him.

We got everything out of the vehicle and stepped back outside.

Maggie and Sasha rushed forward and took my stuff from me and walked with Rick back into town.

I trotted back up to Carl and Enid. They still had their arms wrapped around each other, but Carl saw me approaching and let go.

"Okay," he said quietly. "I need to talk to you guys."

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