Chapter 21

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I was listening to Enid rant as we walked around the town.

"I mean, it's been two weeks already!" she exclaimed for the 50th time. "I distinctly remember Carl saying that the run would take a week max. Well, Carl, it's been more than a week now, hasn't it?"

"They probably just got tied up," I said, trying to comfort her. "I'm sure they're fine."

"How can you be sure?" she chuckled, glancing at me. "For all we know, Rick, Michonne, and Carl could be dead!"

I put my arm around her shoulders and led her to a bench.

"Sit down," I ordered.

She started to protest but I cut her off by saying, "Do it."

Finally, she gave in and sat down, looking like she was holding back tears.

I sat down next to her and lightly put my hand on her back. "Deep breaths," I told her. "Just take some deep breaths."

She gave me a look that said Really? You're giving me the deep breaths card?

However, when she saw the look on my face, she looked at her feet and inhaled and exhaled deeply a few times.

She glanced up at the sky.

"I should've gone with them," she said bitterly.

"Enid," I said cautiously. "Think. At this moment, aren't you happy you didn't go?"

She looked at me, sadness in her eyes. Eventually, she nodded a little before letting her head fall onto my shoulder.

Carl's POV

My eyes shot open. I was in an unfamiliar gray room with no windows and a metal door on the opposite side of the room than the bed I was laying on.

I put my hands on the bed and started to push myself up, but was immediately stopped by a shooting pain in my abdomen.

I put my hand over the wound, grunting in pain. Suddenly, I remembered getting shot before blacking out.

Eventually, I managed to get myself into a sitting position.

Saying goodbye to my mom was brutal. I wanted to stay with her so badly, but I just couldn't bring myself to leave everyone I loved. Especially not Enid.

I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed and pushed myself to my feet.

I stumbled to the door, occasionally crashing into objects in the room since I didn't really have my full strength back.

Once I made it to the door, I grabbed the doorknob and pushed with my shoulder.

It wouldn't budge.

Suddenly, the door swung open and in front of stood a very tall and intimidating Wolf.

He smiled when he saw me. "Joy," he said with fake cheerfulness. "You're awake."

He took me by the collar of my shirt and started dragging me out of the room.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked bitterly.

"Don't you want to see your mom and dad?" he asked.

We stopped at a door identical to the one in the room I woke up in.

He grabbed a key from his pocket and unlocked the door before opening it.

I saw my dad and Michonne, they're hands were tied behind them.

When they saw me, their eyes widened and they frantically tried to stand up, which they failed at because their hands were connected to the wall.

"Calm down, puppies," the Wolf chuckled, putting his hand up.

"Give me my son!" my dad growled.

The Wolf bowed his head. "Of course," he said with fake politeness.

He took a rope out if his bag and tied my hands together before leading me to a space next to my dad and making me kneel on the ground before tying my hands to the wall.

The Wolf stepped back so he was in front of all of us.

"The gang's back together," he said, smiling.

He started walking out of the room before calling over his shoulder, "We'll get back to you guys later."

Author's Note: Are you guys liking the story so far?

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