Chapter 31

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Carl's POV

JC and I continued walking down the street even after the sun had gone down.

As the night cold set in, JC wrapped her sweatshirt tighter around her and I simply rubbed my arms due to me only wearing a short sleeve shirt.

"Hey, do you think we should find a place to camp out for the night?" I asked.

"No, not yet," she answered, not turning to look at me. "We'll look for a bit longer and if we still can't find him then we'll just head back home."

I nodded.

"Well, looks like you've accomplished at finding him," a voice behind me said.

JC and I slowly turned around to come face to face with Negan.


My breathing quickened as Negan stared us down. I had been wanting to find him, but now that I have...

"Or rather, he found you," he added, chuckling at his own joke. "Hello, JC."

"Hi, Negan," I answered quietly, my confidence plummeting steeply.

He looked around at the men he had with him, which was only about 5 but still, 5 to 2 is still a long shot.

"So," he said, almost whacking his group members in the face while gesturing with his arms. "You've found me. What can I do for you?"

I saw Carl glance at me out of the corner of my eye. He seemed scared. I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

Suddenly, Negan snapped. "I know," he said with realization. "You found out that I was planning on killing you so you came to find out why."

Though I didn't say anything, it seemed that he could read my expression.

"Well," he explained. "I thought that since I already killed two of the trio, I might as well kill the 3rd as well."

Suddenly, my vision tunneled as my brain tried to wrap itself around what he just said.

"You killed my parents?" I asked, suddenly pulling confidence out of I-don't-know-where.

"Well, yeah," he said. "That one night in the forest 2 years ago. You're mommy and daddy were just talking too loud. I was trying to sleep."

While he continued his idiotic rant, my hand slowly and secretively moved to my knife, gripping it tightly.

I made subtle eye contact with Carl. He had his hand on his gun and was waiting for the okay from me.

I glanced back at Negan. He seemed to caught up in his own rant to notice anything.

Looking back at Carl, I gave him a small nod and he quickly took out his gun and pulled the trigger, sending a bullet through a member's head.

That seemed to snap Negan out of his thoughts. He looked at Carl in total shock.

I ran up to another member and stabbed him through the head, using my foot to kick his chest and send him to the ground.

That's when Negan finally realized what was going on and aimed his gun at me.

He pulled the trigger, but I was too quick for him. I ducked under the bullet, falling into a somersault and pushing myself back to my feet.

I ended up stabbing another guy multiple times, sending him to the ground.

I knew that Carl could handle the last 2 guys so I headed for Negan.

When he saw me approaching, he smiled.

I heard a gunshot behind me and all I could do was hope that it came from Carl's gun.

Before I could do anything, Negan pointed his gun at me and shot me in the arm, causing me to scream in pain.

Using that to his advantage, he came at me and knocked me to the ground, getting on top of me so I was incapable of moving.

"You actually thought you could beat me?" he asked, putting his forearm across my neck and chuckling. "You thought that you and your little boyfriend over there could actually kill us?"

I tried struggled against his hold when he mentioned Carl. Negan simply laughed and held tighter.

I managed to turn my head to look at Carl. He was definitely struggling against the two remaining men.

Struggling even more, I flailed my arm trying to reach my knife, which was laying on the ground a few feet away from me.

Negan simply held tighter, starting to get mad.

"You think you know me, don't you?" he asked. "Well, you don't. You have no idea."

Finally I was able to get a grip on my knife and I swung at his arm, slicing it open.

Finally, I was able to switch places with him. Now I was on top of him, holding my knife at his throat.

I also saw Carl gun down one of the men.

I chuckled. "Who has the upper hand now?" I whispered to him.

And with that, I put my pressure on my knife, slitting his throat before stabbing him in the head, killing him.

It was done. I saw Carl stab the last guy. We did it. The Saviors were gone. Negan, the man that had killed my parents and tormented my group for so long, was dead.

I struggled to my feet, my breathing heavy.

It was over.

I was staring down at Negan's dead body when I heard Carl's urgent cry.

"JC, behind you!"

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