Chapter 38

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Carl's POV

My eyes sharply opened and were blinded for a moment by the sun streaming through the window.

I laid there for a few moments simply pondering what JC said.

I then quickly got out of bed and started to get dressed.

As I was putting my shirt on at the closet, I heard Enid groan.

"Morning," she yawned.

When she saw the rush that I was in, she got out of bed and walked over to me.

"Carl?" she said, trying to get my attention.

I looked over at her.

"Is everything alright?" she asked.

I took a moment before sighing. "Yeah. We need to tell my dad. Today."

Her eyes widened slightly and she put her hands protectively on her stomach.

It had been about two months since I found out so Enid was starting to show a little, but it was easily hidden with oversized sweatshirts.

"Carl, he's gonna kill us," she reminded me.

"He's gonna figure it out sooner or later," I responded. "And I think he would be madder if he found out on his own."

Enid took a moment before saying, "Fine. I'll come with you."

I shook my head. "No," I told her. "I'm the reason you got pregnant so I'm gonna do it alone."

"Carl, this isn't only your fault," she told me. "Sleeping together was just as much my decision as it was yours."

Though I saw her point, I ignored it. "Well, either way," I said. "I'm doing this alone. He's gonna blow up and I don't want you to be there when he does."

And with that, I grabbed my coat and headed out the door.


As I searched the streets for my dad, I wrapped my jacket tighter around me. I was starting to see the first sign of snow and the cold wind was starting to pick up more often.

Finally, I saw my dad talking to Carter, a member from JC's group.

I trotted up to them.

"Hey, dad," I greeted, seeing my breath as I exhaled. "Hey, Carter."

"Hey, Carl," they said.

"Dad, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked.

"I'll give you two some space," Carter chuckled and walked away.

I grabbed my dad's arm and pulled him into a house that no one was living in.

"So, what's up?" he asked. "And what's the hurry?"

I led him over to the couch and we both sat down.

"Um," I started, not knowing how to start. "Enid and I....we....."

After a moment, my dad's eyes widened. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" he asked. He sounded like he wasn't sure if he wanted the answer or not.

I simply looked down in shame.

"Carl," he said, making me look up at him. "When?"

"The night before you, me, and Michonne left on the run," I mumbled.

My dad sighed deeply. "You wouldn't tell me this unless..." he trailed off and I knew he had figured it out.

"Enid's pregnant, isn't she?" he said it as more of a statement than a question.

I nodded a little. "I'm sorry, Dad," I whispered guiltily. "I didn't mean for this to happen, I didn't want this to happen. It just did."

"How long have you known?" he asked.

"For like 2 months," I answered.

My dad scoffed a little. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, a little angry.

"Because I knew you would blow up," I explained.

He took a moment before gently saying, "I'm not blowing up." I looked at him in surprise. "I'm a little disappointed that you and Enid would be so stupid, but I'm not mad."

"You're not?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I'm excited to be a grandpa," he said optimistically.

I smiled and he pulled me into a hug.

Maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't be so bad.

Author's Note: So I know this chapter is so crazy late but I have an excuse! It's....uh........

I'm thinking of something give me a minute!

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