Chapter 25

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Carl, Enid, and I sat in the pair's bedroom while Carl tried to explain the past month to us.

"Okay," he started somberly. "So we were driving down the street and we saw a note warning us to go back. And my dad, being as stubborn as he is, refused. So we kept going and I ended up getting shot."

Even though this shocked me greatly, Enid didn't seem surprised. Huh, he must get shot a lot.

"Anyway," he continued. "When I woke up, I was in this room. A Wolf came and brought me into the room my dad and Michonne were in."

"You're dad mentioned something about the Wolves," I said, remembering my conversation with Rick. "Who are they?"

Carl sighed, turning to me. "They're a group of people that don't exactly like our group."

I nodded.

"Anyway, the new leader came in the room a while later and started talking to us."

I saw Enid tense up beside me. "Did they mention me?" she asked nervously.

Carl shook his head. "No," he said honestly. "Not one word."

"Wait, why?" I asked, utterly confused. "Were they supposed to?"

Carl and Enid exchanged nervous glances before he nodded and she looked at me.

"I accidentally betrayed everyone a few months ago," she admitted guiltily. "I won't go into details but I kinda gave the Wolves...some information about us."

I nodded, and turned back to Carl, sending how much Enid didn't want to get into it.

Carl went on to explain how the leader killed Michonne (which definitely choked him up) and held him and Rick hostage for a month before they were able to kill all of them and get out.

When he was done, I leaned forward and asked, " it over? Like, are they all dead?"

He took a moment before sighing and nodding. "Yeah," he said. "They are. Finally."

"Good," I started. "Because Negan isn't done with us yet."

I filled him in on everything that happened with the rippers and the note. When I was done, he put his head in his hands, sighing.

"Can't we ever get a break from all this?" he asked. I couldn't tell if he was talking to us or himself. Probably both.

Finally, he lifted his head and stood up. Enid and I mirrored him.

Carl came over and wrapped us up in a big group hug.

When he let go, he said, "How about we all treat ourselves to a break? We've earned it, haven't we?"

I knew I couldn't afford to take a break. Not while Negan was still out there planning all of our deaths. But Carl just got back. He needed a break.

"Yeah," I said, lying through my teeth. "Sure."

Author's Note: Hey guys! So I know it's been a while since I've updated and I'm sorry! I've been super, super busy and exhausted but I promise to attempt to get back into my old routine!

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