Chapter 43

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Enid's POV

Carl and I woke up to a shaking sensation.

"Carl! Enid!" the voice whisper yelled.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Rick standing over the bed. Looking to my left, I saw Carl waking up as well.

"Come on, guys," Rick said. "It's time."

I looked out the window and saw that he was right. The sun was starting to creep over the trees.

I nodded and struggled to get out of bed. Carl did the same.

Rick left the room and Carl and I gathered all the bags that we packed last night.

After making sure we didn't forget anything, we headed downstairs to meet Rick.

"So where are we going?" Carl asked his dad.

"I was thinking we could go back to the juvenile prison," Rick answered while packing the food.

"That place isn't gonna be big enough to fit us and JC's group," Carl pointed out.

"We don't know if JC's group is coming with us," Rick reminded him.

"Yeah, but," Carl said exasperatedly, clearly trying to get his point across. "They might. And we should prepare for that just in case."

Rick sighed and leaned on the counter. "Alright, Carl," he said. "Where do you suggest we go?"

I looked at my boyfriend as he thought.

Suddenly, his head snapped up and he said one word.


Rick's eyes widened. "Alexandria?" he asked his if his son was crazy. "The Wolves destroyed Alexandria, remember?"

"We should still check," Carl said with newfound enthusiasm. "It might be better now."

The leader seemed to consider this for a moment before saying, "Yeah, okay."

We nodded and headed out to meet everyone else.

We found the rest of our group and everyone from JC's group waiting by the gate, burdened with all of their bags.

Denise had the most stuff with her. She probably packed all of the medical supplies.

Surprised that everyone from JC's group came, Rick took a deep breath and yelled, "Alright, everyone!"

56 heads turned to look at him.

"We need to head outta here!" Rick announced. "We're gonna fit everyone that we can into the RV. Everyone else file into the jeep and cars!"

Carl and I were some of the first people to get into the RV, Rick coming in after us.

Rick sat in the driver's seat while Carl and I found a spot on the couch, setting our stuff at our feet.

Carl wrapped his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder as more people filed in.

Soon enough, we were pulling out of the place that had sheltered us for almost a year, heading to an old home.

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