Chapter 42

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Enid's POV

As Carl and I walked to the area that meetings were always held in, my mind kept drifting to the baby.

I still know nothing about being a mom. I was thinking about asking Carol since everyone in the group knows now, but I'm afraid of bringing back painful memories of Sophia.

I wanted my son or daughter to have as good of a life as you can live in a zombie apocalypse, but I didn't know how to give that to him/her.

Though Carl seems really confident now, I know he's nervous about being a dad. This is not something that either of us chose or wanted but, whether we like it or not, we're soon going to be parents.

As we neared the open grassy area, I noticed that a large group of people had already gathered around Rick, who was standing on the soap box. Most were members of JC's group, but I also pointed out Daryl, Carol, and Maggie.

Hoping we weren't late, Carl and I started jogging. My stomach was starting to get big and heavy so I got there later than Carl due to me running out of breath.

Carl and I stood at the back of the group and watched as Abraham, Sasha, Tara, Denise, Spencer, Aiden, Eugene, and Deanna arrived.

Once he was sure everyone had arrived, Rick cleared his throat, causing everyone to look at him.

"Alright," he started. "I know that none of us have known what to do since JC's death."

A few people from the teen's group inhaled sharply.

"Sorry," Rick apologized. "But I think I have an idea."

Everyone started to look around, giving each other confused looks.

Once all eyes were back on Rick, he said, "I think all of us should form one group."

That sparked some surprised murmurs.

I simply turned to Carl and smiled. "I told you he would come through," I said softly.

He sighed in relief.

After everyone was silent, Rick continued. "I just think we'd be stronger if we banded together. Also, we need to get out of here as quickly as we can."

That caused shouts of protest from a few.

Carl and I stayed silent.

"Everyone, quiet!" Rick yelled.

Finally, the voices died down.

"Just because the Saviors are dead," Rick explained. "Doesn't mean we're safe. Negan had alliances. Once they find out he's dead, they aren't going to be too happy and he probably told them where we live. I don't want any of you to end up like your leader."

That seemed to get people to think.

"Look," he continued. "I'm not forcing anything on you. This is your choice. But me and my group are leaving. We have a pregnant woman and I'm not risking her safety or any of my family's."

Thought I didn't appreciate being treated like I was helpless once again, I agreed with Rick. We needed to leave.

"We're leaving tomorrow," he informed. "If you wanna come with us, meet is by the gate at dawn."

The group slowly started to disperse.

Carl's POV

Some people stayed and whispered amongst themselves, some headed back home.

Slowly, I made eye contact with my dad.

I nodded at him. He nodded back and me and Enid headed home.

Author's Note: So Rick and Carl are on the same page (finally).

Where will the group go after they leave. And will JC's group go with them?

Also, sorry that updates haven't been frequent. I have to do 4 showings of the musical that I've been rehearsing for 3 weeks. I've performed 2 of them so far so I'm really tired.

TogetherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora