(Freelancer!Reader x Male!Colorado)

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Today was just a regular day for the freelancers. If you count shooting down enemies and blowing up buildings as normal for them...

You just got back from your solo mission and happened to pass by Ohio's team. "Hey, Ohio," you greeted the black and red freelancer. "Hey, (s/n). So, how'd your mission go?" She asked. You playfully boasted, "Went without a hitch." "Good," Ohio mused.

You, Ohio, and most of her team got along most of the time. The only one you didn't know anything about was the quiet sniper, Colorado. He was a total mystery to you, maybe that's why you'd begun to have an interest in him.

You approached the black and aqua clad male and snatched his sniper rifle from his hands. "Um, (s/n)... That's probably not a good idea," Hawaii warned. "I've never been able to use this. You should teach me," you suggested. The silent freelancer nodded his head slightly and lead you to the shooting range. Hawaii and Ohio watched both of you with shock written all over their faces.

When you both got to the shooting range you tried to line up the shot, but miss the target completely. "Yeah, this thing isn't easy to use," you laughed. The male standing beside you took the sniper rifle and got a head shot without even using the scope. "Show off," you muttered.

Colorado then politely handed the rifle back to you. "I might need a little help with aiming," you suggested. The black and aqua soldier stood behind you. Even though there was armor, you could still feel his muscular chest.

He took your hands in his own and positioned them in their proper place and rested his head on your left shoulder. "He wants you to look closely in the scope and there should be a blue circle," Colorado's A.I., Rho, informed you. You followed his instructions and saw what Colorado had Rho tell you about.

You then aimed it at the head area and shot. The bullet went straight into the intended target and you were satisfied. Smirking to yourself, you purred, "I think I need to give you a proper 'thank you' for helping me." As quickly as you could, you ripped both of your helmets off and kissed the freelancer. After only a few seconds, you could feel the male kissing you back.

You tugged on his red and teal hair and he let out a low growl. It wasn't a 'Maine trying to talk' growl, but one of pleasure. He pushed you into a wall and pulled away, much to your disappointment. "... Stop me," his low, sexy voice practically begged you. "And if I don't...?" You asked. He brushed his lips over yours and sent waves of excitement throughout your body. He muttered, "... I'll hurt you..."

He back away from you and grabbed his helmet off the floor. You stayed where you were for a minute, then walked over to him and smacked the helmet out of his hands. "I don't believe that crap for one second," you stated.

Colorado looked at you with his intense emerald orbs. Then, he caressed your cheek and softly kissed your forehead. "... I warned you," he whispered against your forehead. "I know," you murmured. "Also, I already knew how to use the sniper rifle. I just wanted to have some quality time with you," you added with a smirk as you began walking away.


Well, aren't you guys lucky. Colorado talked more in this one-shot than she did in my entire book so far. Maybe, I don't keep count. All I know is that Collie rarely talks and she has Rho talk for her.

Anyway, leave suggestions for the next character I should do.

Thanks for reading! See ya!

- J_fox11


Red vs Blue x Reader (ON HIATUS)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora