(Caboose x Sick!Male!Reader)

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Dry coughs echoed through blue base's halls. You, of course, were the one emitting these horrid cat-coughing-up-a-hairball-like sounds. Church told you to just get over it, while Tucker told you that it was from sucking too much dick. Caboose had been worried, but you were afraid to ask for his help. He was a nice guy with a heart of gold, for sure. But, bless his heart, he couldn't really do anything right.

A knocking came from the direction of your room's door. "I get it, Church. I'll try and keep the coughing volume to a minimum!" You shouted hoarsely at the door. Church wasn't the one to enter, but Caboose was. "Oh, hey, Caboose," you greeted the blonde male. He responded quietly, "Hello. Umm... are you... pregnant?" "No! Hell no! I'm not Tuck-" you began to respond, but got cut off by your own coughing.

Caboose's face contorted into one of worry and sympathy. "I want you to feel better," Caboose whimpered. You felt a tinge of guilt because of your exclusion of him. "Actually, Caboose, you can help," you suggested. He perked up, "Really? It is a mission!" You chuckled a little.

He ended up bringing you medicine, even though he got the wrong thing the first five times. Then, the blonde made soup, but it was just heated water with carrots and cookies. It did help, but not very much. You knew he was trying.

"Almost done," Caboose declared. You jumped in, "You've done enough, Caboose. You really have helped." He looked surprised. "But I didn't do the magic yet." "The magic?" You asked. "Yes. It helps," the blue-eyed male assured you. "Okay..." You sighed and closed your eyes.

A soft pressure presented itself on your lips. Your eyes shot open as you backed away. "Dude!" You screeched. Red crept onto your cheeks, and you could feel the opposite end get just as excited. Caboose gave you a confused look. "What? It's the magic," he explained. "Umm..." you were too embarrassed to speak.

Silence lasted between you two for a minute. Finally, Caboose broke it, "(Y/n)." "Yeah?" "You have a bump," he explained and pointed to your crotch. You ended up shoving him out of the room. "Thanks for your help, Caboose. Bye!" You yelled. After your door closed, you heard, "YOU'RE WELCOME!"


School! Ugh! I'm so stressed!

I'm sorry if I'm not getting these out very fast. School is really hectic. Especially with my honors classes. -_-


Thanks for sticking with me, you guys.

- J_fox11


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