Male Freelancer Scenarios

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Things You Never Knew They Did

"Come on, North! Let me see," you insisted. He panicked, "It's nothing, really. You wouldn't like it." You had walked in on North doing something, and you were determined to find out what. "Pretty please? Just a peek?" You asked with that adorable face you knew he couldn't resist.

He wavered, and, in that second, you snatched the paper from his grip. You looked at it for a second. "(Y/n)?" North called nervously. You mumbled, "Why would you hide this from me? It's amazing." It was a well-drawn sketch of you.

"I didn't know you could draw so well," you spoke in awe of his talent. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "I've been doing for a while. It's actually pretty relaxing." "And beautiful. But, have you been drawing more pictures of me than this?" You questioned the freelancer with a smirk.

He blushed, "Um... yeah..." You smiled, "Oh, North. My adorable, hopeless romantic. You flatter me." "... do you want to see them?" "Do you even have to ask?"

"Hey, Wash," you called to the blonde. He replied, "Yeah?" "What's this?" He turned around, and what he saw in your hands freaked him out. "Um, it's, uh, nothing!" He stuttered as he tried to grab the box from your hands. You smirked, "So my seemingly innocent boyfriend has his own stash of porn?"

He blushed, "I can explain." "Uh huh, sure. Here's how I see it: you have finally become a man. Congrats!" "Shut up! I was a man before." "Well, at least now I know my boyfriend doesn't just have pictures of cats. Oh, yeah, I also found your scrapbook of cats. It's cute."

"Hey, (y/n)." "Yep?" "You didn't dig through that whole box, did you?" "No. Why?" "There may or may not be some unmentionable items in there." There was silence for a second.
"... Wash. That is disgusting." He smirked.

"Hey, Maine. I'm back from...," you stopped yourself. The sight was absolutely adorable. Maine was holding a cat toy, while a little, white and black kitten was trying to snatch it with it's tiny, black paws. Maine looked up at you when you stopped talking.

"I didn't know you were a kitten-sitter," you smiled. Sure, Maine could be a scary guy at times. But, underneath his burly exterior, there was a big softie. He let out a soft growl, holding the toy out to you. You gladly accepted it and started playing with the kitten.

Unknown to you, Maine was staring at you. He was taking in your carefree form. Your lighthearted laugh. How did he ever receive this beautiful gift from God?

This was a surprise to say the least. You were walking back to your room from a long day. When you opened the door, you heard it. York was lying on your bed, eyes closed, earbuds in, and singing to his heart's content. He was actually singing pretty well. You never would have guessed that your flirt of a boyfriend could sing.

You walked over to him, smiling. He didn't seem to notice. You crouched down beside him and pulled out his earbud. "Your singing voice is lovely. I'm impressed," you complemented him. He opened one eye, "Thanks. Although, it doesn't compare to your singing." "Ah, yes. The squealing pig. It takes talent. Or, a lack of it, really." He chuckled, "It's not that bad." "Thanks. How is it that you can cheer people up so easily?" "Natural talent. I've got loads of it. Such a shame I can't share."

"Yeah, yeah. You keep telling yourself that, Hercules."

It was a competition you did not want to be a part of. After Maine passed out, it was basically over. All the guys, and a few girls, mainly Carolina, South, and C.T., had gotten wasted. Florida was the only one still standing. "So, I guess I'm the king of liquor holding. Sweet."

You approached your boyfriend. "How did you...?" "Practice, my darling. Practice." "Okay. So, what now?" "What now? Well, I claim my prize. A kiss from the beautiful lady," he smirked. You rolled your eyes, "Whatever, Casanova." You kissed him on the cheek. A smile crept on your face as you walked away.


"Oh. My. God." You groaned. Your complaining tone peeked your British lover's interest. He looked in on you in his bedroom. The book in your hands was familiar. What was it? Oh no...

"(S/n)! Don't look in that!" Wyoming pleaded you. You were dying of laughter. You wiped the tears from laughing to hard from your eyes. "I can't believe you have an entire book full of pictures of your mustache," you giggled. Wyoming sat next to you and buried his head in his hands in embarrassment.

Noticing your boyfriend's upset mood, you leaned on him. "At least it isn't the worst thing I could have found. I could have found a book full of knock-knock jokes," you tried to make him feel better. He tensed.


(Because I can) Colorado:
You were walking to your boyfriend's room. Yeah, it was cold, but if he was there, you didn't mind. The door to his room slammed open. "Collie?" You called. A familiar sound emitted from his room. It sounded almost like a... guitar?

You walked further into his room. Sure enough, he was sitting on his bed, plucking the strings to create a beautiful tune. Leaning against the doorframe, you closed your eyes and enjoyed the music. It was only after a minute that the music stopped.

You opened your eyes to see the redhead staring at you with blank, green eyes. "Sorry, it just sounded really nice," you apologized. He said nothing. You continued, "I didn't know you played the guitar." He still didn't respond, but instead looked at the instrument and continued playing.

You smiled and sat next to him. It was a relaxing song. Probably too relaxing. You layed your head on Colorado's shoulder and fell asleep. He kept on playing for another few minutes before stopping. Careful not to wake you up, he put the stringed instrument on the stand next to his bed.

He layed you down on his bed and pulled the blanket over you. Colorado knew perfectly well how cold it was in his room. That's how he liked it. But, because he loved you more, he walked over and turned the room temperature up a bit. Then, he sat next to the bed and watched you. That's what he would always do.

He would keep a watchful eye on you, because you were special. You loved him, and, even if you knew it or not, he loved you too.


So, I wanted to take a swing at this. I thought it would be fun.

Anyway, I know I already posted today, but guess what. It's 12:17! So it's technically tomorrow already!

Thanks for reading, and keep with the requests!


- J_fox11


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