(Church/Epsilon x Blue!Reader)

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He left you. All of you. He left his team without even saying goodbye. Caboose might have been really upset about his 'best friend's' departure, but you were much worse. Everyday, you'd have a mental breakdown or actually break things.

Wash tried to console you, but nothing he did or said helped. He couldn't say something to try to convince you that the A.I. and Carolina would come back. You weren't Caboose. You weren't dumb enough to believe whatever Wash said. You knew that it was possible that you'd never see the blue leader ever again.

When Carolina finally reappeared, you knew he'd be with her. "That's not all! Miss me, assholes?" Church greeted the whole group. There was a second of silence before Tucker yelled, "You fuck!" The cyan male attempted to tackle him, but just fazed through the A.I.

"Huh. Wasn't expecting that," Church stated. You stared at the light blue hologram in disbelief. Apparently, he somehow noticed your gaze. He appeared in front of you, "Hey, (y/n). How're you holding up with these guys?" You suddenly became very upset with him.

"Better than I would if you were there," you snapped. He shrunk back from you. Wash began trying to calm you down, "(Y/n)-" "No, Wash! He left us! He didn't even say goodbye!" You turned back to the startled A.I., "I get that you might have had things to do, but you could have at least left a note!" Church's glow seemed to get dimmer, probably because of how guilty he felt for leaving you.

"(Y/n), I-" "I don't want to hear it." You ran off, not looking back once. You sat in a little area between a few columns of the twisted root-looking-things and huddled yourself into a ball. It was only a minute before that familiar voice you loved spoke to you, "(Y/n), I'm really sorry for leaving you and everybody else behind." "I know you are. Sorry, I just... Lost my cool back there," you apologized.

"I didn't think you would care that much," Church admitted. You responded, "Of course I do, I... I love you." The former blue leader went quiet for a little while. "I love you too. How about I make a promise to you?" He asked. You answered with a question, "What's the promise?" He replied, "No matter what, I'll always come back to you." You smiled and agreed to the promise.

Although you two couldn't really be together, it didn't matter. You both had mutual feelings for each other. That's all you could ever ask for.


Sorry if this is really short. I'm just lazy. Female Grif, right here.

I'm really tired, so I'll skip all the boring stuff.

Leave requests in the comments. You guys know how this goes.


- J_fox11


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