(Maine/Meta x Ex!Freelancer!Reader)

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He wasn't the same man anymore. He wasn't even a man anymore. He was a murderer. Even so, you felt guilt twisting your stomach anytime you thought of him. Why? You had no idea.

When you were both back in the Project, Maine was a little rough around the edges. You were the only one he ever really trusted. He might have even loved you at one point, but figured his feelings for you were meaningless. He probably thought you'd never reciprocate his feeling. You were to caught up in missions and improving yourself as a person to worry about something as feeble as love. Or, at least, that's what he believed.

Even now, when his large stature towered over your bleeding form, you felt guilt crawling up your spine. He knelt down by your side, hovering his brute shot's sharp end over your abdomen. You looked at his visor, unable to make out his eyes. Tears pricked at the corners of eyes.

You finally thought of it. The reason why guilt was consuming you. It was so blatantly obvious, a blind man could see it. You reached up, pressing your bloody glove against his helmet. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Maine," you stated apologetically and weakly. Then, it all went black.

"I forgive you."


Deep, man...

Anyhow, I'm sorry for how long this has taken. I've just had no ideas and been caught up in sports and theatre this summer. But, I'm not that good at the sports part. Obviously. -_-

So, requests --> comments

I'll try to get these out faster. I'm sorry, guys. I just suck. -_-


- J_fox11


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