(Male!Ohio x Colorado)

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Continuous and rigorous. Those would be the words to describe Ohio's training. He would train for hours on end everyday. Sometimes, he would forget a meal or two. He got very little sleep, as well. It didn't seem like a big deal to him, but his two teammates were concerned.

"I'm worried that he is not taking proper care of himself," Hawaii stated to her silent companion. Collie silently agreed with the robotic female. While she didn't show it very much, Collie was just as much worried about Ohio's well being as Hawaii was. The two continued to watch their teammate train.

Hawaii continued, "I determine that his health will cause his performance in battle to decrease." Collie looked at Hawaii from the corner of her eye. "My power percentage is low. I much recharge. I would recommend that you get plenty of rest, Agent Colorado," the brunette suggested as she exited the observation room. The redhead returned her attention to Ohio. His movement was getting a bit sloppy. She shook her head then exited the room.

She was awoken by a stern knocking on the door. The female opened her door to see a couple soldiers. "Agent Colorado, the Director has an order for you. Last night, Ohio passed out during his training. He's taking medication, but the Director wants you to watch over him till he's better." Colorado sighed and followed the soldiers to Ohio's room.

She entered the familiar room and turned on the lights. A hiss emitted from the bed across the room. "Shut the fucking lights off! They're burning my eyes!" Ohio's voice growled from where he lied on his bed. Collie shut off the lights then crossed her arms. His silver eyes shifted to where she stood. "Oh," he began as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, "hey, sweetheart."

Collie cocked her eyebrow slightly. The male usually called everyone else 'sweetheart'. He had never called her that before. He messed with his black and red tresses before getting up. His pale, toned chest was bare, and baggy black and red sweatpants clung to his well-defined hips. She was only scanning him to check for injuries, but he probably misinterpreted what she was doing.

"Like what we see, hmm?" Ohio hummed. The sniper's neutral expression didn't falter. She knew it was whatever drugs he was on. Colorado walked into the kitchen section, filling a glass with water. Something soft nuzzled into her shoulder, causing the girl to sigh.

"Collie, do you hate me? Answer in words," Ohio demanded her. She looked at his head, which rested on her shoulder. "No," she replied quietly. Strong arms wrapped around her waist. "Are you liking this? All the attention I'm giving you?" He asked. She only shrugged, continuing to drink her water.

Ohio sighed in aggravation, "Marina, I said 'in words'." She froze. Marina? He never called her that, either. Her actual name sounded so foreign to her, especially coming from her team leader. Colorado answered, "I guess so..." "You... guess?" It almost sounded like his heart had shattered.

The female freelancer pet his head, thinking he was upset. Ohio tensed. "What... are you doing?" He inquired. Colorado started to stop, but the male grabbed her wrist. "Don't stop. It feels nice..." he admitted quietly. She continued the action.

"Are you... liking this?" She asked her leader. Said man nodded. He added, "Are you?" She replied with a nod, as well. In response, the male moved her forward, so her stomach was pressed against the counter. She didn't resist, since she knew Ohio would have no ill intentions towards her.

"Collie. I think I'm in love," he admitted. She gained a confused expression. He continued, "I've fallen for this silent angel, who continues to intrigue me with her actions and beauty. I just wanted her to know that it's so hard to resist making her my own." The redhead was still confused. Was he talking about... her?

Suddenly, the male's weight collapsed on top of her. She caught him with little trouble. Of course, the drugs. It was the drugs making him act that way. Ohio isn't normally that open with his actions or emotions. The drugs were the only explanation. Still, why did she felt like more of herself died from the thought? Just one, minuscule, endless word echoed through her mind at the moment.



Finally. I feel like I say that often. Oh well.

Sorry this took so long. School fills up most of my schedule. But that's just how school is.

I think I'm done with this, except for you to put your requests in the comments.

Thanks for reading, guys!

- J_fox11


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