(Church x Suicidal!Reader)

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Darkness. A noun meaning the partial or total absence of light, or evil, wickedness, gloom, unhappiness, and distress. A word that is used with a negative meaning. A word that scares so many people who live in the light. What word could describe your pathetic life better?

You had always been in the darkness. Your parent had probably thought of you as a nuisance since they dumped off at that prison of an orphanage. No one showed compassion to anybody, even though one came from a similar background as the other. You had been abused during your time there, so much you just wanted to die.

When the day came that authorities had appeared to collect soldiers, everyone was more than ready to happily throw you out so you could die as fodder for their protection. To be honest, it made you happy. You would die like you'd wished to for so many years.

They sent you to a place called Blood Gulch. It was basically a canyon on a planet in the farthest regions of space. Secluded, barren, empty, perfect for someone like you. When you arrived, you were greeted by your team. You came to know them as Tucker, the pervert in the aqua armor, Caboose, the adorable idiot, and Church, your pessimistic leader.

Since you had arrived, you had attempted to play off your death a few times. You even stood outside the red base for nearly an hour. They were shooting at you, but they missed every shot. Tired of their absolute incompetence in being soldiers in general, you made your way back to the blue base.

Apparently you weren't the only one aware of your suicidal intentions. As you were entering the base, a familiar voice asked, "So, what were you doing over at red base?" You looked to see it was your lackluster leader, Church. "Oh, I was just... talking to... Lopez. Yeah. Gotta put those few years of Spanish to use somehow," you lied. You could already tell that he wasn't buying it.

"I just remembered. I have to go make Caboose cookies! See ya later," you tried to get out of the conversation. You began to walk away, but Church caught your arm before you could escape. "Shit," you whispered. "(Y/n), if you think that I'll just let this slide, think again. That could be no further from the truth," Church explained.

You turned around to look at him. "Church, you have no idea the kind of bullshit I've be pulled through. You can't even imagine how I lived before I came here. So, just do us both a favor and kill me. This life has been nothing but hell for me. Just make it end already," you ranted. It was quiet. Church wasn't saying anything, and you sure as hell didn't want to explain with more detail.

Finally, he spoke up, "You're right. I don't have any idea what it was like. But I've be through a lot of shitty moments too. And, sure, they may not be as bad as what you went through. Even so, I keep on going. For me, the past is in the past. So, I leave it there." You stood there, mouth agape at his speech.

Then, you laughed, "Never thought I'd get an inspirational speech from you." Church shrugged. "Never thought you were ever gonna laugh, but here we are," he added. "Thanks, Church. I think I might just do what you told me to do, for once," you half-joked. He rolled his eyes, "If only you'd do that more often."

You laughed and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "Sorry, I'm rebellious by nature!" You explained loudly as you ran off somewhere in the base. Church stood there in shock for a minute, but shook off and chuckled, "Yeah, I know."


Finally! *victory dance*

Sorry, guys. I guess I just have one big case of writer's block.


Anywho, requests in the comments, if you have them.

Thanks for reading, guys!

- J_fox11


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