(Locus x Civilian!Reader)

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It was late at night, and you were lying in your bed, staring at the ceiling. Sam was still doing... whatever he does. You looked at the time on the digital clock next to your bed. It was almost midnight. "This is crazy. He never takes this long," you grumbled to yourself as you got up.

You walked out of your bedroom and headed to the living room. You were about to walk in and yell at your boyfriend for taking so damn long, but a British voice emerging from the living room stopped you. "We will be expecting you to report here at noon tomorrow, by the latest. Do I make myself clear, Locus?" "Yes, sir," Sam replied.

You were confused. Who was that man? And why was he calling Sam by his code name? Was Sam leaving? He couldn't be. He promised that he gave up being a mercenary a long time ago. Did he lie to you? You backed away from the doorway to the living room and went back to your room.

You lied down on your bed, baffled by all that you heard. Footsteps from outside your room became closer, and closer. Just hearing his footsteps made you tear up. You felt like breaking down right then and there. The door opened and then a weight shifted the bed. You looked at the wall opposite of him. If you looked at him, you knew you'd start crying.

"(Y/n)?" Sam spoke softly, as if he thought you were asleep. You reluctantly replied, "Yeah?" "Sorry I took so long. Work is just hectic for me. You know that," he explained. You bit your lip before responding, "Yeah, I do." "Sam? Can I ask you something?" You continued.

He lied down and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Of course," he answered. You asked, "Which is more important to you: your work or me?" "My work is what enables me to take care of you, but you will always be my number one priority. Nothing could ever have a higher place than you in my heart and mind," Sam replied with ease.

A bittersweet smile formed on your face. "Okay, I'll trust you on that," you murmured. Sam kissed your shoulder, causing a shiver to go down your spine. You bit your lip. Whether he was lying or not would be determined by his actions the following morning.

When you woke up, warm arms weren't wrapped around your waist anymore. You felt your heart drop. You got up and searched around your apartment for any trace that your boyfriend was still there. Nothing.

You sat down at the dining room table, head hung low. Tears pricked at your eyes, making your eyesight go blurry. Even so, it stop you from seeing a slip of paper sitting across the table from you. You wiped the tears away and grabbed the paper.

"Dear (y/n),
     It may seem like I abandoned you, but I didn't. I left to protect you. If I had denied his offer, you would have been in danger. I couldn't risk that happening. So, yes, I chose work over you, but I did it to keep you safe. I promise to you, I will come back. When I do, I'll never leave you ever again.


You smiled, "Okay, I'll trust you on that."


I have no commentary. I just don't.

I leave myself speechless.😊

Joking aside, I think my writing has really improved over the time I've been writing these oneshots.

Anyway, request go in the comments, and I'll see you guys next time!

- J_fox11


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